PALAS ATENA GODDESS OF TRUTH ~ The Truth Will Shine Out In Every Corner Of The Planet

I am Palas Athena Goddess of Truth as they tell me and that’s my motto, always the truth ahead. I just wanted to stop by and say hi, I want you to know that I’m always here with you, always permanently. Here I am and I have anchored My electronic Patron here at this Temple of Hunab Ku in the Valleys of ERKS, here together with you my beloveds.

The truth must prevail in the world. The authentic truth, not the truth accommodate the interests of the great elites. Not as they want the world to see it, a distorted truth, disguised. Truth must flow, must come to light and that’s my great mission. That is my great Mission on this planet, to work so that the truth be known. Many things have already come to light and you know, many are aware of all the deceptions that have been subjected to.

Many have realized the fake plandemic, that they invented and that they created. If they did that my beloved, what won’t they do. After shutting down humanity for so long, stop the economic, social systems, that suits them. Because that’s where they got the most profit from that fake plandemic. All that is already known by many, all that has been brought to the public light. When in the first moments I wanted to bring out that truth, many denied, many refused to accept it.

But now everyone knows they were tricked and manipulated and what was given, was a big farce. Panic and victim of fear the vast majority chose to obey mandates, instructions and the rest is history. You know them and you know them because you lived them. What family was there that didn’t lose a member. Most dead from fear, more than from the deceiver vi rus. And let’s not talk about what they were forced to inject themselves to transform the Christian DNA of this humanity. They had no other fancier way to do it, but by deceiving them and forcing them to put on those vacs, otherwise they would die, but they didn’t know the background of it all.

Just like that has already come out and it’s already known. Most of the population knows this great farce. So many other truths have come to light. Sometimes half-truths, but you have to read the background of each information thoroughly. When information of this type of people authorized by Me comes out to extract this information, they discredit it, do not give validity, change and twist the truth at their convenience.

Something very similar happens with the alien theme. All the manifestations that are done in the heavens in the sight of many. The presence of Large Plasmatic Ships in various dimensions with the presence of beings there, they only refer to meteorological phenomena, hot air balloons and stop telling the amount of lies to deceive people. Commercial pilots who manifest to have seen some Ship of the Brothers, take them out at once and call them a liar, crazy, imaginative, unfit, unreliable to continue performing their duties.

And let’s not talk about what Populi Voice was, all those tunnels, all those sacrifices with children. All those adenochrome practices. That also came out in the public. Many believe it, others don’t believe it blinded by the turbulent mind that the matrix has instilled in them in their beliefs.

As I told you, many rulers in high ranking like kings, all of them are nothing but a circus. Those are devils out there and that of blue blood. Poisoned blood, reptilian blood, but super negative reptilians. Many have gone to the gym and many already know who they really are.

Others continue with the worship of their queen, their king, their demon kings and their entourage. They don’t know they are worshipping the same devil. Who are giving their taxes to keep them their deviations, their depravations, their vices, their comfort. They live at the expense of their subjects.

It all comes down my loved ones. All of that is already in the light for you to see and little by little they are all falling. The great matron of them all gone, they don’t hold on anymore. People are already opening their eyes and little by little, they will fall like castles of cards, all those empires, all those kingdoms.

Humanity must understand that they should not worship any human being. They have brought humanity to their knees. Because it was the planned plan to keep control and now they must know everything, they are nothing but devils. Evil beings who wanted to keep humanity, prey to fear and control. And so, my beloved, everything is being known, everything is becoming known.

The religions. You already know the subject of religions, we have already told you about it extensively. They already know what’s behind them, pure perversity and evil. They demand from parishioners behaviors, lifestyles that they themselves can’t fulfill. Pure luxury and comfort is what attends them.

They’re also devils in disguise. All his dark actions have come to the public. All the pedestrians and all the psychological and physical damage they did to children, with women benefiting from their investment.

My loved ones, it was almost time that everything was already known. Humanity is waking up, it’s opening its eyes, all those rotten truths are coming to light from all this corrupt elite, all these corrupt rulers sheltered in drug trafficking, sheltered in those false fights against drug dealers, when the drug dealers are themselves. When they are the same drug trafficking network globally.

All that deception my children will soon know. It’s almost time, for everything, everything, absolutely everything, to come to the light. Let there be no doubt, let there be no distrust because all this will be known and everyone will know it in all corners of the planet.

My beloved, the fight continues and I and the whole green ray team working in the truth, are watching and we are fighting and battling with all this falsehood that they have been wrapped in for so long.

I bid farewell with this message. Always in your hearts.

I Am Palas Athena Goddess of Truth.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 08/06/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar

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