Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, I Am Antuak also known as Master Saint Germain. I wanted this afternoon to give a message to all the children of light. Everyone is waiting for everything to change.

They are waiting for the Solar Flash. They are waiting for Nesara Gesara for all population. They are waiting for the Brothers to descend with their Ships to the planet.

What are you waiting for? are waiting for all systems to fall and new systems to be installed.

Beloved, all are waiting and waiting, but what do you do. What do they do to make all this happen? Are you ready yet? They realize that, if the flash arrives at this moment and they’re not prepared, they already know where they’re going.

The New Golden Age, This New Earth 5D. is ready and prepared for all those who really worked internally, those who came, who embodied to make this process of planetary ascension possible, that commitment they made to help this humanity ascend.

Who’s really ready? Do they really want the ultimate flash to happen, or do they want to wait, better prepare. Or why they haven’t made the decision to prepare internally. Remember that you ascend with this physical body, with this avatar integrated into your I Am.

Is this avatar ready to integrate into your I Am?

The flash comes, you’ll receive that big torrent of energy, but what if your body, your avatar is dense. It has not been purified in its entirety, they are still with the practices of the extinct 3d matrix, they are still in materialism, they are still living the crazy life.

They want the flash to come, they think that they’ll be able to rise in these conditions. Not loved ones of mine. We’ve brought you all the teaching since long ago, so everyone would be getting ready. Preparing your inner self, preparing your being. They have been given so much, so much information, to prepare and be ready. So much energy has been sent to go adjusting your bodies to these higher energies.

Because they’re going to the higher dimension and need another more subtle, lighter body type. An emotional body without so many trauma, without so many negative memories. A mental body freed, loosened from that matrix.

So what do y’all think? They all wait and I agree they wait. They have to wait for them ready, ready, prepared for when the big time comes, that body responds. When these energies that are reaching the planet arrive, they effectively act on you.

When you go to healing with Mother, with Mahindra, they clean those clothes, those memories, that avatar. But this is an ongoing action my beloveds. Y’all can clean up in a moment then get back in the mud. Just like our brothers, the pigs do.

That’s why it’s necessary to be clear in your inner, spiritual part, in your I Am. So that those memories of your I Am, live and integrate into the clean, pure avatar. So that you may enjoy and ascend to this New Land that Father and Mother have promised and from which I will guide you together with all the hierarchy.

Those who will not go, will continue their process. Cause everybody didn’t come to level up. Everybody not here on duty. Remember the planet, is a school planet. There are many people in many jobs, in many missions.

But those who came, and pledged to come help humanity and all those beings of light that are in the process, now is the time. Now is the time.

Everyone, get ready, get ready because times are pressing so you can enjoy the goodness and wonders of this New Earth 5d, which is already prepared and ready to receive them, waiting for the development of all the energetic processes of the system, so that this great flash, completes this process changing, from one reality to another.

Beloved, I am Antuak and I am calling you all, get ready. Prepare yourselves, clean your avatar, heal your bodies and there wait gladly for all that comes in abundance, prosperity and love for all this ascending planet.

Saying goodbye with love to all.

I Am Antuak.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 10/06/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar


  1. Most beloved Master Antuak-ST. GERMAIN Many thanks for this explanatory message. MUCH OF LOVE LEFTERIS ________________________________


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