I am Maya, a Female Consciousness from ERKS Underground City. Many Argentinians are passing on needs, even the most basic, basic, of food, clothing, housing.

It is important that these changes that are being made at the government level reach those people, all Argentinians, beings of light that are incarnated there. Because the majority of the Argentinian population are beings of light who decided to incarnate here and strengthen these territories for these times.

But still many continue in misery. It is necessary to send a lot of light Argentina, because there are many opposing forces that obstruct the energy and plan for the children of Father Mother in this territory.

Got to send him much light, much light. May that energy reach every Argentinian, every seed, every being so that according to the meeting of their basic needs, they can also enter the process of awakening.

May all those dark forces that oppress them, that lead them by deviated paths, be removed from Argentinian territory. It is sought to clear and clean the whole territory of all that weeds that obstruct and continues to obstruct the process of Argentina’s awakening.

Even so, the energy continues to flow from all Intraterrestrial cities, giving strength and strength to All Argentinians, sending much light to their hearts, to their understanding, and to their consciences.

We advocate for everyone to feel Argentina as that great Homeland, not just Argentinians, because Argentina will become the Great Universal Homeland for all this New Humanity that resurrects, ascends, rises.

We feel Argentina ours, as a hope of light for all humanity. Here will come and come many Masters and many beings from everywhere.

Energy anchored in Europe, in India, in Tibet, all that energy will come and will be anchored here in Argentina.

That’s why we need assistance with all the light you can send to Argentina and to Argentinos and to this great and beautiful homeland that will be the beacon of light for all humanity.

I say goodbye, I am Maya, I bless you all and much light, much light for Argentina.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 10/06/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar

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