I am Lady Nada, I greet you with all my love, from my heart to your heart. I know they are transitioning a date that has been pretty emblematic with respect to this solstice portal. Winter solstice to the south and summer solstice tothe north. As we always tell you, all energies are activated, all portals are open and now, this solstice energy that has been quite intense two days ago, is coming to complete this torrent of energy entering the planet.

The energy that enters the planet is very strong. It’s very strong my loves, all this energy. You may feel very tired, because many systems are being worked on, especially the nervous system and the whole energy system, the whole system. The brain, the fit work is being done. These energies will help intensively, in the reconfiguration of your entire nervous system and brain system.

It’s strong this torrential too to release and continue to release, all those memories in their DNA. It is menester that all DNA of all the Children of Light, Star Seeds and all beings that are on service mission, who came at this planetary moment be cleaned. It’s important that all this energy that comes in cleanses, cleanses all its DNA to release it from so much dense energy, that has accumulated and has been recorded there.

We need, as we always say, that all beings start vibrating at high frequencies, healing, cleansing, liberating, deleting old memories of past lives.

It’s important all this energy entering the planet. Everyone, everyone has that great mission to help them, to help raise their vibrational frequency. Because in this way, we can help the process of ascension, raising our vibrational frequency.

My beloved, make use of this portal, increase the effect of the other portals, increase the power. Because it’s a specific energy that enters these days and has always been a motive, even for celebration by ancient cultures.

This moment of solstice, is a moment to remember. Everyone can tap into this energy. Stay from today, from today June 20 where the energy becomes more intense. Stay connected everyone.

Stay calm connected and feeling this energetic torrent, feeling all the influence of energy from all portals flowing to the planet. All that energy from all the portals that are open, that opened to never close again.

Those who want to do joint meditation, can do it in groups of similar vibrational levels, be in touch with nature, with Mother Earth, with Father Mother Sun, with Aton Rä and connected mainly to your Divine Presence I Am, feeling, internalizing all that energy in meditation, in silence, opening and expanding his heart chakra. Opening up to receive all that energy.

Otherwise, remember that all those symptoms you can feel, because of so much energy entering your bodies, can lead you to feel exhausted, tired and it is necessary to take a break too, to rest, to relax and contact all these energies. This solstice is a solstice to remember. Live all this energy and feel it is for the benefit of the entire process of ascension.

This solstice energy, will also help in the calibration of the bodies, physical, mental, emotional. It will help them to calibrate and align themselves to the Divine Presence of God I Am. As long as they are connected, in meditation, that energy will help them, like the axis, so that all bodies take synchronization to the I Am.

Enjoy this solstice, enjoy this energetic torrential. Because we’re constantly accelerating energy levels. As the bodies take in that energy, they are getting stronger and will receive more and more energy.

Everything is getting done gradually my beloved, so that the body does not get tired. Above all, the physical body and the energetic systems of the body. Gradients are gradually increasing so that the body is taking already, its settings to the being of light, that that avatar and that I Am require.

Saying goodbye with all my love. I am Lady Nada, I bless you all.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 21/06/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar


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