We Want To Assist With Some Spiritual Teachings To The Beings That Have Participated In Healing With Mahindra Mother For Their Activation

Greetings beloved Emanuel and Pastora, I am the one you call Father Melchizedek. This morning I wanted to stop by to greet you, to share with you a message that I feel is quite important to all children of light.

You know we have always talked about the schools of wisdom, the schools of Melchisedec. We’ve talked about this in previous occasions. I understand the circumstances, I understand the inconveniences that have been given on a physical level, from the plane. However, I want to thank and request that if you have not been able to do it by the physical network, government, do it through social networks and be able to take some kind of teaching to all these people who have worked, who have attended the healing with Mahindra The Mother And Team.

Not big topics I want them to take away. Because we’ve noticed, people have been motivated. But they would like to know a little more about the spiritual path. They want to know some things of this world, that they don’t know it yet, but have felt its great effects and want to understand and understand some. Although ye know that some things of the spiritual world are understood, with faith in the heart.

It is good for these people to be able to continue on the path of light, especially those who have entered and participated in the healing, so they can continue in their activation process. We have considered that some steps are necessary for your inner being, which has desires to awaken and integrate, so that you can do so also connected from the physical essence, understanding. Because they know, how the mind regulates thoughts and sometimes many would like to understand situations, that they may not understand in their normal mind.

I thank you my loved ones. Because, as we have analyzed and required them, I know that we are in defining times and require more beings. Don’t let these beings who have healed, remain there again like in the air. His inner being seeks knowledge, activate that knowledge and transfer it to the mind so that he takes that great path of light that many want to follow, but for so much confusion in the world, of so many doctrines, ideas, teachings that there are.

We want it to be some teachings, the most basic ones so that they understand what is in the spiritual world. What awaits the children of light. What is an awakening, what is integrating into its essence. What is living in the light.

My beloved, I don’t know if it’s too much to ask and with all my love, I will guide you so that this service is completed. So that this effort made by Mother Mahindra, is completed and proceed to the next step, to activation. We can’t just leave them in the air like that. We must continue to mark their path, before the dark forces take the reins of their lives again.

I’m saying goodbye. Organize yourselves my beloved and feel this request in your heart, I will be there to guide and guide you. I love them with all my love.

I am Father Melchizedek, I wrap you in light and love, bless you.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 22/06/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar

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