Maestro Antuak (Maestro Saint Germain) ~ We Will Leave This Reality Very Soon

Beloved, I am Master Antuak, I greet you from my heart to your heart. I know the great love you have for this whole process, to this plan of Father Mother Adonai, here I am. They tell me I’m the Avatar of the Age of Aquarius. Here I am working with everyone and everything.

I wanted to tell you that, every day more, the dawns of the New Age of Aquarius are opening, in all its magnificence, in all its splendor. We are entering in short pace, but safe pace. We are entering into that Great Era for this Christian humanity, for all the children of Father Mother.

There is reserved for you, big, big surprises of a lot of light, a lot of love.

Keep your hearts firm, keep your hearts open and also willing to give, for this is a time when brotherly sharing will prevail.

Everyone will have everything, but they will share in harmony, in unity, in love.

I tell you beloved, go share, meeting with the light beings in your area. A time will come when they will have no digital media. But it is necessary that you connect with your neighbors of the light. In those critical moments, it’s necessary to recognize each other and stand together.

All the Ships will be deployed. All logistics will be made available so that no one misses anything during the moments of the complete transition.

You know that we are in this transition period, where we are not finished leaving this reality, which is already very advanced towards the new reality of higher frequency, of higher vibration, of greater love, towards a more Galactic, more energetic, more abundant and more free life.

Time to leave slavery has come. And they will say to me, we are free, we are not slaves. Beloved, log in and check if you have truly been free. Throughout their lives, they have been controlled and imprisoned by the designs of this society and this matrix, which kept them wrapped in their programming and concepts. Now they expand to the era of their heart, to the era of your being already integrated into that avatar, where they will live in this new reality.

The Golden Age is approaching with steady and safe steps, we are all already feeling its influence. You have to vibrate high my beloveds. I have always taught them in the beginnings of the I Am.

The time has come to work strongly, so that this I Am integrates into that avatar, in that body that you now have, because the step to this New Era, will be with that Avatar. They won’t need to pass flat or die as they call, they will pass with this same body they have now, of course, cleaner, with a higher frequency. A body that is not toxic, to be able to integrate the I Am.

They know that Mahindra Mother is assisting and helping them through Emanuel and Pastora in the Emerald Ship, to integrate that I Am that I always told them. The I Am in this avatar, secures the step to the Golden Age, the Age of Light to this Crystical Humanity, to live in fullness, to live bonanzas, to live as all Galactic beings live, Crystical Father Mother Adonai.

I, together with a great team, work, serve, so that this humanity sees in its glory, all this materialized project. Great attendance we have, you know it, they have already mentioned it and we’re going, we’re heading, with strength to this Golden Age that awaits us in this New Earth, in this New Reality.

I bless and tell you all. Get ready, activate your I Am, release yourself, heal yourself all, so you can raise your frequency. His avatar, purify him, release him from so much toxicity and we will see each other in this new reality very soon.

I am Master Antuak, also known as Master Saint Germain, I bless you all and especially the Chelas as I tell you, of Saint Germain.

To all my blessings.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 26/06/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar

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