LORD SANANDA ~ There Will Be No Stone Left Upon Stone, Everything Will Crumble. Seek Solid Ground, Seek Mountains, Seek Nature

Mother Earth will tremble from her bowels, everything will move. All that is inside will emerge and all that is outside will fall. Mother earth prepare for this great moment. The severe pains set in. The earth will not stop shaking.

Everything on the surface, everything in existence will crumble. No stone will be left behind, nothing will be left behind. Everything you’ve built, big buildings, big life cages, if we can call it life, it’ll all come down.

All those power plants polluting the environment, that deteriorated Mother Earth with their gases, will all collapse. All petroleum coal processing plants, to the ground.

Search, search for the peoples. Search for nature, search for solid land, because the seas will take land that belonged to it and that man took from it. huud from the coast, go to the mountains, to high places. You’ll see the waters running all over the planet. You’ll see debris and debris in major cities.

All those Cities that are inside the belly of Gaia will emerge. But you have to clean everything first. There mother earth breaks and remain those who have been in the greater consciousness of Gaia. Those who have gone with Gaia and are connected to nature will move together with the inner energy of the Inland Cities. All the dense will be left on the other earth, which will be purified and prepared for years, to regain balance.

But the New Earth will unfold with all that emerges, with all that Mother Gaia delivers for the New Earth and there we will all be. We will all be there. Throughout the process of the ancient land you will receive assistance. There the ships will intervene and help humanity to continue the evolutionary process, in other realities agreed at their vibrational level, at their frequency level.

Many will leave the physical bodies and be taken into their etheral bodies, others will go with their physical bodies. Other brothers of light who assisted us, who collaborated with this whole process, will return with their galactic family and we thank them for their great mission, their great delivery, their great help.

Those who pass to the New Earth will be on elevated vibrational levels. Let’s say, elevated in quotes, because we’ll be talking about a 5th, 6th, 7th dimension. Including, we could be talking about an 8th and 9th coexisting on the same levels. Already there, that new earth is being prepared by the Creator consciousnesses of mankind and with the assistance of all brothers. Now that land is prepared, it is being prepared and when the Inner Cities emerge, we will be with those on the surface, but on other vibrational levels.

Already their bodies subtleized and integrated to that avatar, already integrated to their I am, will be there in this New Earth of Light and Love coexisting and sharing, with great loving beings and will all begin a new life. And a new cycle of this Crystic humanity will begin on this New Earth. When this already happens, when the New Humanity is established, we conclude the great project of Father Mother Adonai, and love, light, brotherhood will Reign.

Citizens of the Cosmos will come, and they will come from other realities brothers that they had never seen, to visit them in this new bliss. There will be no need for anything, because everyone will have everything and everyone sharing in service and in love, for one another.

Well my beloveds. I say goodbye, I am Sananda with love for all.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 28/06/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar

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