Healing Sessions: Emanuel & Pastora Messages ~ June 2024

21st EMERALD QUANTUM HEALING SESSION NOTICE: On Saturday, June 1st at 15 hours Argentina.

Don’t miss this opportunity to cleanse yourself, to heal, to free yourself from all the evils that drag from lives and lives, from everything that concerns you the most. This healing is performed by Mahindra Mother, Archangel Raphael, the Guides, and the team of Celestial Healers who assist the Mother, in our Double Quantum, in the Quantum Healing Chambers of the Emerald Ship, Main Ship of the Holy Emerald Command.

All beings who wish to participate in this Miraculous Healing, who wish to elevate their life, should send an email with all your details; date of birth, full name and country of residence to:


Remember, this is a holistic, complete healing in all your bodies, physical, interdimensional, and also encompasses, the ancestral family tree, cleansing, healing and alignment of DNA by the intervention of weapons that the dark forces used in the pandemic.

This service is carried out by Conscious Loving Collaboration. It is a service performed under the Universal Law of Giving and Receiving. And all the resources collected, are used for the additional works of the Miraculous Liquid Light Source, as is Mahindra Mother’s wish.

To all participants we recommend, not ingesting carnivorous foods, of all kinds of food from animal sacrifice or their derivatives, hams, pork chops, fish, junk food, greasy food and all kinds of food that damages the organism. Cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and all kinds of harmful substances. They must drink lots of water, sunbathe and make contact with nature.

This healing service is performed in the Spanish language through a live meditation by zoom, next Saturday 01 June at 15 hours Argentina.

If you do not master our language and decide to participate in the healing, surrender to your Superior Being, Mother and Teachers with faith, that they will take care of you to receive the healing you desire and need, because the desire and the power of intention act. He must always remain there, connected to his heart throughout the healing service.

All interested parties should send their complete details and to facilitate Conscious Loving Collaboration, upon receiving your application, we will inform you in the response and how you can do the Collaboration. Remember to indicate the country.

The deadline to submit applications is Friday, May 31, 24 hours before the scheduled time for the healing. Therefore, we recommend that you decide on time, to avoid last-minute fatigue, because it is important to respect the times.

Send an email to:


Infinite Gratitude,

Emanuel and Pastora.

Check your Time…

15 H. Argentina and Brazil.

14 H. Chile

12 H. Mexico

14 H. United States of America

14 H. Venezuela.

13 H. Colombia and Peru.

20 H. Paris, Madrid, Roma

19 H. London , Lisbon

21 P.M. Greece.

22 H. Istanbul Turkey.

Check your time.



MAHINDRA (Mother)…

Many, many Healing Miracles will be seen. Come in faith, with confidence, that you will receive according to your faith.

Beloved children of my heart, I am Mahindra the Mother. Dropping in this morning, to talk about healings, to this afternoon’s healing meditation. As usual, everything is set and ready to welcome all participants.

Already all those who have expressed their intention to participate are checked and cleaned by the beloved Archangel Michael and all his Blue Lightning Angels. Are you all ready now, to receive this healing on the Emerald Ship.

At least in the energetic aspect, they have been freed from all those negative energies, that they had in their electromagnetic field, in their aura, in their chakras, in all their bodies, in their entire system.

Now comes complete healing of all your memories, in all your bodies. I always tell them, keep an open, positive attitude. Concerning your healing, through faith Miracles work. Mother and Light work through an open heart, a willing heart, a believing heart.

Go with the Firm conviction that you will receive all the healing you require. Because they will be given more than they really aspire. Because they will be healed of their past lives and all that baggage of memories they bring, that they do not know what they carry on and that they are doing so much damage in this present incarnation.

Important to keep calm throughout the day today, before and after meditation. Keep at least on this day, a very healthy, healthy diet, free of all kinds of animal energy, free of chemicals. Chemicals such as, soft drinks and any other type of drink or food, with high chemical content, such as packaged, canned foods.

Okay kids, drink lots of water, hydrate so that energy flows into the camera. Each participant already has their assigned camera, their assigned Guide and we are just waiting for the time to get them on the Ship and start the process on each one.

I love you my beloved ones. Many, many Healing Miracles will be seen. Go in faith, confidently, that you will receive according to your faith.

I Say Goodbye, I Am Mahindra, I Am MahIndra, I Am Mother Mahindra.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 01/06/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai.

MAHINDRA (Mother)…

It has been a Glory day, a Blessing day. They have been Healed!

Beloved children of my heart, I am Mahindra the Mother. I feel so happy, for what we have achieved in this afternoon, in this healing on the Emerald Ship from all participants.

It has been a powerful healing and today we are connected to the Source of Liquid Light, here at the Hunab Kú Temple in the Valleys of ERKS, Thirst of Emanuel and Pastora. There we are all connected in a Powerful energy.

They have been healed my beloved, all their bodies, all those negative memories, all their DNA. All their bodies, physical, mental, emotional, their DNA, those old memories. Everything has been healed with a force whose DNA already is currently very brilliant, repowered, rebuilt, restructured. Very important for all this energy that is entering the planet, to work directly, to help them continue this healing process.

You are blessed and Blessed my children to be here right now. To be here in this compound, in this Healing Ship with the Mother and the entire Entourage.

I bless you my beloved. Now begins a great path for you, a great challenge to keep this energy at its high frequency, at its high vibration.

Take care of your thoughts, take care of your emotions, take care of their physical body, take care of its avatar. Take care of your food. Stop consuming dead energy, industrialized food, feed yourself naturally. Because now your body has obtained such a high frequency and energy that any dense food will reject it, it will fall heavy and can hurt it.

Eat more of fruits, vegetables and vegetables. Connect to your I Am, your Inner Master. Meditate, pray, stay connected with the Mother and all the Hierarchy of Love and Light of this Universe, with Father Mother Adonai and with all the Brothers who have attended us today.

My beloved, go in peace, go in peace. It has been a Glory day, a Blessing day. They have been Healed. Live the Light, Live the Love.

Saying goodbye with all my love. And you know, here is Mahindra, your name is written on the Ship, whatever need you have, connect to the Emerald Ship and there the Mother, will come to help her children.

I Bless You, I Am Mahindra, I Am MahIndra, I Am The Mother Mahindra.

Go in peace, live in peace, be the peace and be the light.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 01/06/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai.

MAHINDRA (Mother)… Report from the 21st Emerald Quantum Healing Session.

Greetings beloved Emanuel and Pastora, beloved children of my heart, I am Mahindra, the Mother. Here I am after this healing day we had on the Emerald Ship with this group of participants. It was quite an intense day my loves. It was strong the energy that was wielded in each of the cameras to help everyone heal in all their lives. It was a great demonstration that if it is possible, that everyone can come to be healed, that everyone may come, as the Master said, to wash their garments, clean their garments here in this Fountain, which works in accordance with the Emerald Ship.

It was really intense and they released from so much dense energy they had, that carried so many lives and so many incarnations. That weight, that load that they were carrying and carrying has been cleared, has been thrown into the vacuum between quotes. When they release all that information from their genetic information, all that is compressed and clean in the anals of the universe.

I will proceed to give you the report as usual. I give you some updates of some healings performed on this day, in the Emerald Ship in accordance with the Liquid Light Source. There we were both working simultaneously.

Beloved, there was a person who improved his vision, his sight. He was visually impaired, opacity in his eyes and has been cleaned and restored. Now you can see through your pure, clean, shiny glass. Many people came up with this issue of the virus, with some complications at the organic level, such as bronchitis, throat conditions and in general, in their respiratory tracts and throughout their body, with many ailments, pains. Many were set free, many including you Emanuel and Pastora. It’s one, let’s call it, this has been a situation that the dark forces have brought to the planet.

Many people are going through difficult situations on their respiratory tract. Not only is it here in Argentina, also in other countries, but as far as we are concerned, for those who have assisted and are suffering this situation, have all been completely healed and that virus that have watered through their systems, are electronic viruses, are viruses generated. All those viruses are deactivated already. There was also one person with skin cancer at the left armpit level. There he acted forcefully and that whole area was restored.

Many people as usual, suffering from their digestive system. They had a healing on the level of their internal system. But it’s very important, that they work on the level of their emotions. The digestive system obeys the emotional issue and I also tell them to control their eating.

We understand that everywhere they are overrun by harmful substances, chemicals. But I also mean, watch what you ingest. Avoid excessive consumption of fats, animal derivatives, junk food, so that your digestive system works as it should function properly.

Remember that the frequency of each organ has been adjusted and raised so that, if you ingest low-frequency foods, you will immediately feel it in your digestive system. That’s why they avoid consuming animal derivatives. Avoid consumption of processed, canned, packaged food.

They drank a lot of water, to keep their stomach clean, especially their intestines. Beloved children too, there was someone with arthritis in the hands, the metacarpal tunnel, healing was done on his hands so that his hands can be restored, all guesses are revitalized.

Three people with neck problems, with chronic neck pain. Getting their vertebrae, disks, nerves checked and adjusted. I tell you my beloved, that every vertebrae is a depository of a Virtue. Please check the written information. Bad positions and bad habits when they are working on their computers and when they are doing other activities, that your neck suffers, suffers a lot. But they’ve already been revitalized. A person with measles principles, with a lot of fever. His measles was cured, the virus was cured and he will now recover his physical health.

A person with hemorrhoids problem. Got his area worked on, cauterized and sealed everything. Likewise, a person in veins, with varicose veins, was also cautious, sealed all his varicose vein. A person with a strong lumbago got healed too. A person who had stomach cancer, was healed too. A person with a subject of morbid obesity. They applied their virtual gastric bypass, the gastric byhead at the energetic level.

Well, my beloved, I conclude with this. And I also wanted to tell everyone to keep calm. All nervous systems, all without exception were distorted product of so many negative emotions. Stay calm, serenity, harmony, let yourself be guided by His Divine Presence.

When you have difficult situations, enter your Sacred Chamber of the Heart, seek assistance from your I Am. Do not let your emotions overflow and the nervous system suffer. Always calm, tranquility and certainty that everything will flow as it should.

I would like to give a few words to Emanuel and Pastora. As always thank you, I know all the effort you make. I know all the situations that are going on. But trust me, I’m there attending and helping you.

For next week we will have another healing day. We can’t stop my children, as I tell you, the need is great. Many people seeking healing, seeking relief. I know you are also very needy in the economic part to complete the works of the Source. Have faith and confidence that the resources will come to you.

Besides, I also want to thank the beloved Archangel Miguel, Archangeline Faith and the whole Blue Team, who were on the lookout in the cleaning and protection of all participants. Also to the whole team that participated, the beloved Sananda and Lady Nada, my beloved Rafael, the Goddess Palas Atenea and the beloved Master Hilarion, the beloved Mother Kwan Yin and the beloved Zadquiel and Amethyst, the beloved Master Canahoto, the geneticists of Sirius, the beloved Olivia and Kadmon, to our dearest Father Mother Adonai, Absolute Supreme Father Mother. To all the Blue Lightning All Angels Guides who were always there for each participant.

My beloved, live in love, live in light, always with an open, generous, willing heart. There’s nothing to fear. Father Mother’s children will always have protection against all the vicissitudes of the dark forces. Go ahead and tomorrow we will be already working with the last process of the Critical Activation of this 4th group, with the last session.

We conclude the report, the blessed beloved Emanuel and Pastora and Father Mother I thank you because you are always willing and with a heart always, always joyful to do everything.

Well, I bless you beloved Emanuel and Pastora, go ahead my children.

I Am Mahindra, I Am Mahindri, I Am MahIndra The Mother.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 01/06/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai.

MAHINDRA (Mother)… We Need Many Activated Christian Beings.

Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, here I am always with you assisting and protecting you. Already this afternoon, this day Sunday, we are all ready to conclude this activation process of this 4th group. Everything is ready, both the Ank cameras, and the carousel cameras. Everything is ready to receive this wonderful group who have participated Sunday after Sunday, in these pre-activation processes.

Today this phase of activation of your Christian being culminates. Last night a very special job was done on everyone, in their sleeping hours we have brought them to the Emerald Ship again and we have checked their energetic conditions, we have leveled them. Just like that, beloved Miguel and all his Blue Lightning Angels have done their job. They have cleared any dense energy that has entered their energy fields.

Everything is prepared, everything is ready to receive them and close this process with gold pin. Because you know, when one being is activated, thousands are activated and this planetary moment is crucial, it’s very important. We need more Activated Christian Beings on the planet, all the time. It’s menester to keep raising the planetary frequency and vibration.

On this day we will be accompanied as always, Mother Shakti, Mother Sekmet, Queen An Ra and Anubis. Beloved Archangel Haniel and we will be connected directly to the Temple of Enlightenment on Lake Titicaca, full and total connection. There will also be the Archangels Jofiel and Constanza and all the Golden Lightning team.

They will also join us from the ERKS Underground City, the entire ERKS Hierarchy. THE Blue Sapphire Diamantino Light Crystal also activated. Beloved Sananda and Beloved Lady Nada, Activating the Holy Grail from the Fountain at Hunab Ku Temple. From there, this energy of the Christian Codes is fully activated during the moment of Activation.

We will also be accompanied by beloved Father Sathya Sai Baba, beloved Father Mother Adonai, Absolute Supreme Father. Also present will be the Genetists of Sirius, Olivia and Kadmon, their Galactic Family.

We will be in great company during this day. All the Golden Lightning in full, will also be beloved Sidharta Gautama Budha. Everyone will be tapping energy forcefully so that this activation, these Crystic Codes, this being, integrates into their Avatar. This Christian Being integrates those Codes and integrates into his avatar.

Well beloved I tell you, full confidence that everything is prepared and ready to receive you. All with confidence. Hydrate well before activation. Energy flows best Codes with water. Well my loved ones, I say goodbye, we wait for you all Rafael and I with the Great Loving Heart. We’ll be waiting for you with open arms.

I thank Emanuel and Pastora for all this service, all this assistance and all the Guides of the Emerald Ship who will assist them and Archangel Miguel and the whole team. Stay connected soon on the Emerald Ship.

I Bless You All, I Am Mahindra, I Am mahindra, I am Mahindra Mother.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 02/06/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai.

MAHINDRA(Mother) at the Culmination of the 4th Activation of the Christian Being

They are already the Christian Being in Action. Attend Your Brothers, Be Those Multiplier Agents You Came To Be.

Greetings beloved children of my heart, in this afternoon, in this day today in which, we have concluded the activation of your Christian being. I feel very satisfied and very pleased with the results achieved in each of the participants. The expected goal has been achieved.

Already everyone is activated in their Christian being and connected as Universal Citizens to All this universal Cosmic energy to the Mind of God, to the Universal Mind.

My beloved, when you are activated, a network with you is activated. You are the main nodes of this network and push, activate. Now begins a great task for you, to behave and be really that Christian being that has been activated today. Be that Christian being, that we long for so much in that avatar.

May that Christian being manifest in that avatar, that flows in love, that flows in light. May he assist his brothers and those beings in need. Because we are a chain, we are all helping each other and thus fulfills the goal of activating all beings who are here on service mission and who do not know it yet. But if you feel that impulse and that need to know, to know about the spiritual world.

Give them that hand, assist them just as it has been helped to you. Be agents of multiplication. Now begins his big task with his avatar. His avatar has already acquired a very high frequency and will no longer accept dense, heavy foods. The more they ingested that kind of food they’re going to feel heavy, they’re gonna feel bad. Because the body has already subtilized, it has been activated at a much higher frequency.

Feed yourself according to your new Vibration, your new frequency, with photonic energy, only high frequency energy that enters through your mouth, fresh air, pure air, contact with nature and contact with your I am. Meditation is important, prayer, connection with your I am, with your spiritual world.

Start acting like Christian beings that are my children. Drink pure water, take in as much sunlight as you can.

I bless you my children and I feel so happy, so proud of the work we have done and thank you, because the planetary frequency is also activated and helps this process of ascension.

Go calmly, sleep happy because you are already that Christian Being in action. Reflect and be that Being that you already are. I bless you All my children.

I Am Mahindra, I Am Mahindri, I Am Mahidra, you can go in peace my children.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 02/06/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai.

NOTICE OF THE 22nd EMERALD QUANTUM HEALING SESSION: On Saturday, June 8th at 15:00 Argentina.

Don’t miss this opportunity to cleanse yourself, to heal, to free yourself from all the evils that drag from lives and lives, from everything that concerns you the most. This healing is performed by Mahindra Mother, Archangel Raphael, the Guides, and the team of Celestial Healers who assist the Mother, in our Double Quantum, in the Quantum Healing Chambers of the Emerald Ship, Main Ship of the Holy Emerald Command.

All beings who wish to participate in this Miraculous Healing, who wish to elevate their life, should send an email with all your details; date of birth, full name and country of residence to:


Remember, this is a holistic, complete healing in all of your bodies, physical, interdimensional, and also encompasses the ancestral family tree, cleansing, healing and alignment of DNA by the intervention of weapons that the dark forces used in the pandemic.

This service is carried out by Conscious Loving Collaboration. It is a service performed under the Universal Law of Giving and Receiving. And all the resources collected, are used for the additional works of the Miraculous Liquid Light Source, as is Mahindra Mother’s wish.

To all participants, we recommend you not to consume carnivorous foods, of all kinds of food from animal sacrifice or their derivatives, hams, pork, meatballs, fish, junk food, greasy food and all kinds of food that damages the organism. Cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and all kinds of harmful substances. They must drink lots of water, sunbathe and make contact with nature.

This healing service is performed in the Spanish language through a live meditation by zoom, next Saturday, June 08 at 15 hours Argentina.

If you do not master our language and decide to participate in the healing, surrender to your Superior Being, Mother and Teachers with faith, that they will take care of you to receive the healing you desire and need, because the desire and the power of intention act. He must always remain there, connected to his heart throughout the healing service.

All interested parties should send their complete details and to facilitate Conscious Loving Collaboration, upon receiving your application, we will inform you in the response and how you can do the Collaboration. Remember to indicate the country.

The deadline for submitting applications is Friday, June 7, 24 hours before the scheduled time for the healing. Therefore, we recommend that you decide on time, to avoid last-minute fatigue, because it is important to respect the times.

Send an email to:


Infinite Gratitude,

Emanuel and Pastora.

Check your Time…

15 H. Argentina and Brazil.

14 H. Chile

12 H. Mexico

14 H. United States of America

14 H. Venezuela.

13 H. Colombia and Peru.

20 H. Paris, Madrid, Roma

19 H. London , Lisbon

21 P.M. Greece.

22 H. Istanbul Turkey.

Check your time.




With Mahindra (Mother), Father Mother Adonai the Celestial Hierarchy in Full Attendance.

On Sunday, June 9th at 3 p.m. from Argentina.

This new round of activation, will take place on the Emerald Ship for three consecutive Sundays. All aspirants are requested to link their social media pages, Facebook etc. We repeat, the link, Not a photo of the page. Linking your pages, and verification that you have participated in the healing on the Emerald Ship with Mahindra Mother, are a required requirement, to opt to participate in the Activation.

Only light beings who have been healed and prepared, who work and who render service to light, would opt for this activation, the highest initiation, that mortal being can wish for.

To opt for Critical Activation, it is required that each aspirant, no longer feed their body with inappropriate foods. No meats of any kind or its derivatives, fish, ham, pork, greasy foods, junk food. Drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, all kinds of poisons and junk food, which most ingest and contaminate their bodies making them inoperable containers to contain light, so that Christ, the Divine Being that each one is, dwells in it.

This will be a group that Our Higher Being will direct and choose those who will participate. We will be careful, because there are those who think they are prepared but they are not.

For those who feel that they are not prepared, we recommend that you prepare in simplicity, to humbly assume the great light that you will receive, so that, in responsibility, we can all make proper use of it.

We have encountered cases of beings participating in and consuming alcohol, drugs, marijuana, rumba and disco, at last.

To all heart aspirants, we request you..

First take some time and feel if really, and in Truth, you are prepared, if there is doubt, then take the 3 Sundays to prepare, and for the next one, so that in the call to the 6th activation, already prepared, sign up, write down with confidence. But don’t intend to do it unprepared, because it would be dishonest to participate.

It is also important to remind those who have already participated, not to do it again, not to seek to participate again. Because to do so, I would lose all the work, everything that was done before, everything would be deleted and it would remain the same as before I had participated the first time.

Thanks to all who really prepare, to those who are prepared to receive and to take on this divine gift, because they are preparing to take on it responsibly.

To all we love and bless you in the love and light that all is.

To all who do not speak the Spanish language, the language of the Activation and who wish to participate in the Crystical Activation we recommend you, to sign up, to submit the requirements and if you are called, in the meditations is menester to stay connected to your heart, with the intention and the deep desire for the Activation, because they will be attended and Activated just like other brothers.

Activation aspirants ask you to please send email with all requested, the link to your social media pages, facebook etc, date of birth, full name, place of residence and a proof that guarantees us your participation in healing with us and with Mother Mahindra In The Emerald Ship.

Important: we thank you to send all requested correctly, to avoid inconveniences and unnecessary time wasting

Send request to:


Infinite Gratitude, Emanuel and Pastora

Check your Time…

15 H. Argentina and Brazil.

14 H. Chile

12 H. Mexico

14 H. United States of America

14 H. Venezuela.

13 H. Colombia and Peru.

20 H. Paris, Madrid, Roma

19 H. London , Lisbon

21 P.M. Greece.

22 H. Istanbul Turkey.

Check your time.



22ND HEALING SESSION…Mahindra (Mother) – Come to Mother Seek Healing

Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, I am Mahindra the Mother here with you. All ready my beloveds for the healing session this afternoon. All this healing session that is going on, is so important for the children of Father Mother to come to be healed, to come to release all those burdens.

Times are very fast sons. I call you to your heart from my loving heart. I call upon all hearts, to come. Come to the Mother, Come to be healed. No need to postpone that healing. We don’t know, because from one moment to the next everything can change, reality will change and no one is left alone with intentions. It’s essential that you get rid of all those sluggishness that you bring from previous lives so that the soul can take flight, lighten up.

Everything is ready for this afternoon, cameras ready, guides assigned to each participant.

I will be accompanied as always by my beloved Rafael, the beloved Goddess Palas Atenea and the beloved Master Hilarion, the beloved Sananda and Lady Nada, the beloved Mother Kwan Yin and the Archangels Zadquiel and Amethyst, the beloved Master Anutak, (Saint Germain). We will also be accompanied by the Genetists of Sirio Olivia and Kadmon, our beloved Father Mother Adonai and Absolute Supreme Father. It is a very intense healing, you will see great Miracles, great Healings in the whole bloodline, in every memory, in every body and in every being.

Come to the Mother, seek healing, not that tomorrow is too late my beloved, seek assistance. Lighten up your energy, free yourself.

The beloved Archangel Michael attended all the participants. A healing has been done to them from all psychotronic energies, from all low frequency, from all negative energies in all their bodies, in their aura, in their chakras, in all their energy.

Tonight you have been carried out a complete cleansing and before starting the meditation this afternoon, a complete cleansing will be carried out to everyone, so that everyone is cleansed and purified of all dense energy.

We have also brought them to the Emerald Ship of the Holy Emerald Command for a pre-healing to all participants who have so far signed up or expressed their willingness to participate.

Beloved children, this collaboration that we request, is not to enrich anyone, it is for Emanuel and Pastora to continue finishing the work in the temple, in the Source of Liquid Light. There are still unfinished business. Once this culminates, we will be able to enter into other conditions for meditations.

My beloved children, I bless you. We are waiting for you all this afternoon with lots of love. From here, from the Mother’s Liquid Light Source, for everyone to come and connect to this Healing Chamber that connects to the Emerald Ship, the Azucena Quantum Hospital Ship and the Interrestrial City of ERKS.

My beloved I bless you, I hope for these great Miracles that will be performed this day.

I Am Mahindra, I Am Mahindri, I Am MahIndra The Mother.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 08/06/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai.

Mahindra (Mother) to All Attendees at 22nd Emerald Healing Session

Beloved children of My heart, I am Mahindra the Mother, here I find myself with you satisfied, content and very happy, because you have come to this healing call that I always do to the children, to come to heal here, in the Emerald Ship.

And now with this anchor we have at the Hunab Kú Temple, where I have anchored my electronic pattern and My Energy in this camera that connects here, to the Emerald Ship.

My children, today you have received a great and intense healing in all your bodies and in all your energy. They have become clean, free of all those memories they carried, that they carried in their DNA, that were no longer useful to them. Better hinder your process.

By freeding themselves from all those memories, their DNA acquired a vibration and their healthy bodies acquired a vibration, high vibrational frequencies. It has not been a small thing, what you have received on this day, my children. It’s a complete, complete healing.

All participants have been free of so much garbage, so much negative energy there recorded and now their bodies, their being shines, their DNA regains its Original sequence and are ready my beloved to move on, to continue the process. Continue the work that is appropriate for every child, every being.

The process has not ended here my beloved. Now that you get back to your process, your routine, remember all this healing you have received and don’t throw it away.

Take care of your emotional body, take care of your emotions. Take care of your physical body, take care of your nutrition. A healthy, healthy diet free from animal violence. Live a life from being, from spirit, from love.

Get in touch with nature, connect with Mother Earth. Meditate, meditate and know that you have Mahindra here in the Emerald Ship ready and attentive to your children’s every call. Their names are written here in the Ship.

Every request you need, bring it to you, here you have Mahindra, call me three times, Mahindra, Mahindra and I will be there in your heart assisting you. As well as the Emerald Ship crew.

Beloved, we are in difficult times, in times of great turbulence, where the enemy is lurking. It’s important to take care of ourselves.

Always request assistance from the beloved Archangel Miguel and the whole blue team. Always protect yourself, control your mental body and all your bodies. Hydrate well, drink pure water, and perhaps you may be feeling some consequences of this healing when you integrate your physical body.

My children, I bless you, I thank you for coming, for attending this healing meditation. Bless them, love them. And remember Mahindra will always be with you, those who request and call will always get assistance.

I bid farewell, I bless you, I am Mahindra, I am MahIndra, I am the Mother of Mahindra.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 08/06/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai.


Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, beloved children of my heart. I want to give you a little more details about the healing of this day below. It was quite intense and quite effective day. All the participants, everyone clean out. Cleanse their memories, cleanse their bodies, cleanse their energy. Clean those memories that no longer serve you, clean your DNA, adjust, calibrate and rebuild.

It was quite an enriching day, because he also got the healing of his family tree. The healing of their past lives, was also made healing of their karma. They released all that karma that they come dragging life after life. These souls became very subtle with a rather high frequency and energy.

Particularly, several Miracles were performed. There was an intervention from one of the nodule participants on her thyroid glands. Cancerous nodules, with the help of Master Canahoto, were removed. She had those tumors cleaned and removed and she has been released from that painful condition.

A person with a very precarious situation in his vision, there his entire visual system was reconstructed, not only at the level of his eyeball, but also in his functioning part of the entire system at the brain level.

At a cerebral level there was also a great healing of an elderly person who had a weakness in one of his cerebral arteries. An aneurysm was about to explode and this intervention was done with the whole Santa Esmeralda team. A person with a situation at the level of their spine, a woman with a very intense lumbalgia. Those vertebrae were rebuilt and the disks were rebuilt too, they were enabled. The whole muscular system resulting from this discomfort, this discomfort, this pain was also comforted.

There’s one person, a woman with cancer at the level of her uterus, cancer at the same level of her cervix. Was cleaned, operated on and healed also. A person with principles of liver cancer. It was detected at the level of his bile ducts already metastasis. This bile duct-level cancer comes with a stomach metastasis. She also had an operation in her stomach to clean that tumor at the level of her stomach.

A person who had a skin condition, was also healed. At knee level there was an elderly woman with an issue of osteoarthritis, with an issue of wear and tear in the bones of the crotula. He was also accommodated. There was also a person with anemia, with very severe anemia, had his platelet load and his hemoglobin reconstructed. The issue in his blood was adulterated the initial formula and a recomposition of the elements of his blood was made to normal values.

Lots of conditions in the respiratory system. Various with issues of bronchitis at pharyngitis level and cinderella level. All of these were cured, there were five people with strong all phlegm and some with strong fever they had. They were healed, the respiratory system was cleared, the immune system was re-energized. There was a person with a hemorrhoid issue, he also underwent surgery during healing.

Well my beloved, these are the most relevant cases. Many miracles, many healing. People with strong issues were healed.

My loved ones, I want to tell you that I am very grateful to you for the efforts you make. Perhaps at best many people don’t appreciate this healing process through you with the Mother, with Mahindra. But we highly value your time to make this connection, to make this link for the Mother’s children to be healed. The attendance of all beings who accompanied us on this day was very important.

As always I am accompanied by the beloved Rafael My Consorte Divino, the beloved Master Hilarion and the beloved Goddess Palas Atenea, the beloved Master Canahoto, the beloved Lady Nada and the beloved Sananda, the beloved Genetists of Sirio Olivia and Kadmón. Beloved Mother Kwan Yin, beloved Master Saint Germain and beloved Archangels Zadquiel and Amethyst, our beloved Father Mother Adonai and Father Supreme Mother who always want to accompany us and accompany us in these healings.

We also thank all the beings there at the Hunab Kú temple, there at the Source, that connection that was made, that made all this healing energy possible for all. And remember that when you heal beloved, you heal, you release yourself from that weight, which unknowingly burdens and punishes you. Move on my beloved start a new life.

You have received a great gift from heaven and as such, stay healthy, taking care of your bodies. Feeding your physical body, taking in fresh air, pure air, connecting with nature. Avoiding the food of animal sacrifice.

Take care of your emotional body, take care of your thoughts that are energy. Take care of your health, my loved ones. Stay calm, serene, these are special moments that the planet lives and it needs them all healthy in high frequency, in high vibration.

I want to finally thank the great work that the Beloved Archangel Miguel and the whole Blue Team, that since last night, from the hours of sleep have been cleaning, healing all the energetic fields, the aura and all the energy of the participants. The dense energies. Low frequency energies and protecting them throughout meditation. I thank the Beloved Archangel Miguel and the whole Blue Team.

I thank you Emanuel and Pastora, always in my heart all the effort you make. I love you All, all children come to Mahindra, to the Mother to be healed, to be freed from so much burden. Bless you All, love you all. Connect with Mahindra the Mother.

I Am Mahindra, I Am Mahindri, I Am MahIndra The Mother. Infinite Blessings to all.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 08/06/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar


I’m Mahindra the Mother, I wanted to connect with you in view of the low influx to the call of Crystical Activations. The little attendance to the call of you to activate your Christian being. I understand that many are not prepared to take on the huge responsibility that comes with such an activation.

These activations are performed in those beings who have come to work individually within themselves, in their life project for this incarnation.

This activation is done when they are prepared, when they have already healed, when they have released those memories and when they have released themselves from the matrix. They have let go and disconnected from all those dictations the matrix imposed on them all this time.

I tell you beloved, if you want and aspire to activate in your Christian being, don’t give up, don’t let go of the memories of the matrix. Because already that matrix is extinct, but there are still those engraved memories. How can we understand that at this point of the ascension process there are beings of light still eating from the animal sacrifice, of their younger brothers.

It is something that a Christian consciousness does not admit, it cannot enter a body dense energy, death energy in a body that aspires to activate its Christian being, its I am. Only that nauseous smell rejects being Christian. That toxic body, contaminated with all those waste cannot calibrate to integrate in its avatar the Christian being, the I am.

Those who still refuse to give up cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, are not worthy either. Because as in a body that must be purified, in a body that should be subtleized these kinds of toxins can enter. They can’t my loved ones.

The avatar needs to be clean, purified, to be able to integrate into the Christian being that they are. The more density there are in the bodies, it is impossible for that avatar to be integrated.

And let’s not say of the things that are attracted to the world of shapes. This requires preparation my beloveds. This requires a commitment, that you really are and feel like integrating that Christian being and your body is clean, prepared, to receive it, to integrate it, so that you can dwell that Christian being in a clean, pure body.

But sometimes many prefer to remain attached to the things of the world. Attached to the dictations of the matrix, to those memories, to be able to integrate the being that they require to integrate, so that this process of ascension is done.

We know that not everyone will participate or will be promoted, because every soul brings a life plan. Many souls are to experience, to live an experience.

But I mean the beings of light, who really committed themselves to attending this process and who are still in these states that are not worthy of a being of light, who came to provide a planetary service.

Well, my beloved, I call you to reflection. Y’all go get ready. They are releasing, releasing themselves. Remember the enemy we have, who more and more, pushes against the children of light to prevent this integration with their Christian being.

Think, reflect, meditate and feel, it’s not that you have to leave anything. It’s that they have to improve and change conditions, which currently doesn’t favor them for their integration into their Christian being.

I bless you, get ready all and I will call you in a new opportunity to integrate, to integrate your Christian being into your avatar.

Question from Emanuel: – Beloved Mother, those who do not integrate their Christian being do not Ascend?

Mother’s Answer: NO, that’s why the preparation and the process of ascension is a very private process. Souls are here on planet for various reasons. Those who came to do this process of ascension are the ones I mean, those who were preparing and applying to attend and to help and who are still there prisoners of the ancient matrix. Those are the ones I’m talking about.

He who does not integrate, does not ascend and therefore, we are sending a lot of energy from all portals, from all the universe, to help them wake up and integrate. But if the avatar is neglected, there is no way or way. It’s like I told you the other time. The Christian being to integrate must have and be in a clean and orderly house, otherwise he cannot live and be there.

I bless you all, I am Mahindra, I am mahindra, I Am Mahindra The Mother.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 08/06/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar


“We will connect to the hearts of those loving beings who, in the silence of their heart, their being feels the need to be integrated into that avatar, for their process of ascension”

Every time they gather to meditate in the Fountain around them they are filled with beings of light accompanying them. It is very important that you gather to meditate here at the Mother’s Liquid Light Source.

This afternoon I wanted, at the time of meditation that was for activation, let’s do a meditation without zoom. You here at the Source and we will connect with all those beings, who at a planetary level are prepared to be activated, but due to ignorance or due to lack of access to networks, to this system via zoom as we are doing, have not accessed the activation.

In this meditation we will send, together with the team that always accompanies me, we will send light, energy, to all the hearts that are prepared, who quietly have gone preparing their avatar, their being.

The incoming energies are helping them, but they require more overwhelming assistance. Energy if helps them now, that a big torrential of energy is coming in, that’s why we want to tap into it for those beings to be activated.

We know and know who they are. From the Ship, remember, we are all monitored and we have all identified them.

It may be a short meditation, I Guide Pastora to make a not so long meditation, a short meditation, to help all these beings. This activation is necessary my beloved.

Those beings who have seen their activation notices, but are still there submerged, by the time they wake up and realize they need to do their inner work, maybe it’s already too late. We can’t wait for them, we will do the work from here to all hearts and all beings ready, ready.

There are many globally, not just America. Across Europe, Asia, Africa, and every continent. There are beings, ready-made people. Maybe they don’t even know they’re ready.

This will be this afternoon’s work instead of doing the zoom connection, we will connect to the hearts of those loving beings who, in the silence of their heart, their being feels the need to be integrated into that avatar for their ascension process.

Beloved, this was the message. I’ll be with you all connected. There will be the team that always accompany me, just that we will not have internet connection. Only the internet, will be the internet of the pure and clean hearts for this great work.

Saying goodbye, love you, bless you. I Am Mahindra, I Am Mahindr, I Am MahIndra Mother.

I would like, if they publish this information, those beings who from their hearts feel it. Feel prepared, connect at that time, at 15 hours Argentina, connect in meditation and connect here to the Liquid Light Source of Mother Mahindra and you will feel that energy in connection.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 09/06/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar

MAHINDRA (Mother) – Source is a High-Power and High-Capacity Chamber.

Mother’s Liquid Light Source, is a Multi-Frequency and Multidimensional Camera. Perhaps beings from other dimensions will also come to heal here in this energy. Because this Fountain, is Universal available for Light.

It’s a Source, a High Power and High Capability Chamber.

When you begin to meditate here, beings begin to come, around the Chamber they place themselves and are there accompanying you in meditation. The Light Beings and all Electronic Patterns are Activated, the Chamber becomes a universal Great Power.

I tell you, that from other systems you can come even, to be healed here in this Chamber.

I wanted to tell you children, I wanted to give you this information so that you are aware, and know how valuable and important this work has been built here in these valleys of ERKS.

We also count on ERKS Underground City power. The energy of Blue Light Sapphire Diamond, as they have it in the photo they have on the wall.

So this energy, floods all the space of all the Chamber and the healing energy of the Mother, of all the team and of all beings make this, a Powerful Source of Healing.

This is to inform you, I am leaving.

Mahindra Mother.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 09/06/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar

NOTICE OF THE 23rd EMERALD QUANTUM HEALING SESSION – On Saturday, June 15th at 15:00 Argentina

Don’t miss this opportunity to cleanse yourself, to heal yourself, to free yourself from all the evils that drag from lives and lives, from everything that concerns you the most. This healing is performed by Mahindra Mother, Archangel Raphael, the Guides, and the team of Celestial Healers who assist the Mother, in our Quantum Double in the Quantum Healing Chambers of the Emerald Ship, Main Ship of the Holy Emerald Command.

All beings who wish to participate in this Miraculous Healing, who wish to elevate their life, should send an email with all your details; date of birth, full name and country of residence to:


Remember, this is a holistic, complete healing in all of your bodies, physical, interdimensional, and also encompasses the ancestral family tree, cleansing, healing and alignment of DNA by the intervention of weapons that the dark forces used in the pandemic.

This service is carried out by Conscious Loving Collaboration. It is a service performed under the Universal Law of Giving and Receiving. And all the resources collected, are used for the additional works of the Liquid Light Source or the Quantum Healing Chamber, as is the desire of Mahindra Mother.

To all participants, Mother recommends the No intake of carnivorous foods, of all kinds of food derived from animal sacrifice or its derivatives, hams, pork, meatballs, fish, junk food, greasy food and all kinds of food that damages the organism. Cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and all kinds of harmful substances. They must drink lots of water, sunbathe and make contact with nature.

This healing service is performed in the Spanish language through a live meditation by zoom, next Saturday June 15 at 15 hours Argentina.

If you do not master our language and decide to participate in the healing, surrender to your Superior Being, Mother and Teachers with faith that they will charge you to receive the healing you desire and need, because the desire and the power of intention act. He must always remain there, connected to his heart throughout the healing service.

All interested parties should send their complete details and if they indicate us the country, we to facilitate Consent Loving Collaboration upon receiving your request, we will make them arrive in the response, the way they can do the Collaboration.

The deadline for submitting applications is Friday, June 14, 24 hours before the scheduled time for the healing. Therefore, we recommend that you decide on time, to avoid last-minute fatigue, because it is important to respect the times.

Send an email to:


Infinite Gratitude,

Emanuel and Pastora.

Check your Time…

15 H. Argentina and Brazil.

14 H. Chile

12 H. Mexico

14 H. United States of America

14 H. Venezuela.

13 H. Colombia and Peru.

20 H. Paris, Madrid, Roma

19 H. London , Lisbon

21 P.M. Greece.

22 H. Istanbul Turkey.

Check your time.




With Mahindra (Mother), Father Mother Adonai the Celestial Hierarchy in Full Attendance.

On Sunday, June 16th at 3 p.m. from Argentina.

This new round of activation, will take place on the Emerald Ship for three consecutive Sundays. All aspirants are requested to link their social media pages, Facebook etc. We repeat, the link, Not a photo of the page. Linking your pages, and verification that you have participated in the healing on the Emerald Ship with Mahindra Mother, are a required requirement, to opt to participate in the Activation.

Only light beings who have been healed and prepared, who work and who render service to light, would opt for this activation, the highest initiation, that mortal being can wish for.

To opt for Critical Activation, it is required that each aspirant, no longer feed their body with inappropriate foods. No meats of any kind or its derivatives, fish, ham, pork, greasy foods, junk food. Drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, all kinds of poisons and junk food, which most ingest and contaminate their bodies making them inoperable containers to contain light, so that Christ, the Divine Being that each one is, dwells in it.

This will be a group that Our Higher Being will direct and choose those who will participate. We will be careful, because there are those who think they are prepared but they are not.

For those who feel that they are not prepared, we recommend that you prepare in simplicity, to humbly assume the great light that you will receive, so that, in responsibility, we can all make proper use of it.

We have encountered cases of beings participating in and consuming alcohol, drugs, marijuana, rumba and disco, at last.

To all heart aspirants, we request you..

First take some time and feel if really, and in Truth, you are prepared, if there is doubt, then take the 3 Sundays to prepare, and for the next one, so that in the call to the 6th activation, already prepared, sign up, write down with confidence. But don’t intend to do it unprepared, because it would be dishonest to participate.

It is also important to remind those who have already participated, not to do it again, not to seek to participate again. Because to do so, I would lose all the work, everything that was done before, everything would be deleted and it would remain the same as before I had participated the first time.

Thanks to all who really prepare, to those who are prepared to receive and to take on this divine gift, because they are preparing to take on it responsibly.

To all we love and bless you in the love and light that all is.

To all who do not speak the Spanish language, the language of the Activation and who wish to participate in the Crystical Activation we recommend you, to sign up, to submit the requirements and if you are called, in the meditations is menester to stay connected to your heart, with the intention and the deep desire for the Activation, because they will be attended and Activated just like other brothers.

Activation aspirants we ask you to please send email with all requested, the link to your social media pages, facebook etc, date of birth, full name, place of residence and a proof that guarantees us your participation in healing with us and with Mahindra Mother in the Emerald Ship.

Important: we thank you to send all requested correctly, to avoid inconveniences and unnecessary time wasting

Send request to:


Infinite Gratitude, Emanuel and Pastora

Check your Time…

15 H. Argentina and Brazil.

14 H. Chile

12 H. Mexico

14 H. United States of America

14 H. Venezuela.

13 H. Colombia and Peru.

20 H. Paris, Madrid, Roma

19 H. London , Lisbon

21 P.M. Greece.

22 H. Istanbul Turkey.

Check your time.




Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, I am Mahindra the Mother. I was passing by this afternoon to clear up Emanuel’s doubt concerning Crystical Activation. Let’s make the call again. Those who are ready, those who feel prepared or those who commit to their preparation, room will be given to them.

Those beings who have already worked on their inner self, as I have made them known in previous messages, that they are fit to be admitted. More however, those beings who persist in their third-dimensional practices, which we have already mentioned. They still lack preparation.

Those beings who enter, who come to the activation, have a commitment to the Mother to continue a life in the light, in love and avoid all those situations that the Mother always tells them. Because this is a sublime moment in the activation and they must continue so that the Christian being there Activated, feels at ease, feels integrated into that avatar.

Remember that no one is going to rise, if they don’t have their Christian being integrated into their avatar. And that’s why we insist on preparation so much. That’s why we insist so much on all these practices that a being of light that intends to ascend, must have in mind.

Well my beloveds, I don’t make this any longer. I was just passing by to tell them to put the notice. If a group of no less than 10 people is gathered, it would be convenient to perform the activation. But 10 people really committed, 10 people who have worked on their inside and 10 people who really commit, to continue the path of light and love with the Mother and with all light.

I Say Goodbye, I Am Mahindra, I Am MahIndra, I Am The Mother Mahindra.

I bless you all and I call you, come, come children of light, come and get activated in the Emerald Ship with Mahindra Mother and all the team that always accompanies you.

MAHINDRA Mother – This Reality Is Closing, Come All To Be Healed With Mother My Children.

Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, I am Mahindra the Mother. Here I am always with you from the Temple, from the Source, here I am in energy, in light. Today we will be doing this new healing session from the Emerald Ship. But remember that the Source of liquid light, which you call, “Luminous Bird Fountain”, or is the Name that will be placed, YES, Beautiful.

From there we connected and this Temple is anchored on the Emerald Ship, do you remember it? I told it to her. I’ve already told Pastora, here we are like we’re in the Emerald Ship, in that Liquid Light Fountain, in that Special Healing Chamber. There all the energies of the same Ship are connected and also of the Quantum Hospital Azucena anchored here.

Everything is ready and prepared as always my loved ones. The beings who will participate have already assigned their respective camera here in the Emerald Ship. On this night, on this day they have been assisted by the Angels of the Blue Lightning, by the Legions of the Archangel Michael to cleanse and release them from all energy, from all negative energies of low frequency that have been installed in their energetic centers, in their aura, in their chakras, in their bodies, in their internal systems, physical, organic systems, cyber systems and control and transmission systems that all beings carry within them, with their I Am.

All cleaned up and assisted by a Blue Lightning Angel. He has been assigned an Angel as always, to accompany him throughout the process. From the process itself of release, to the whole process throughout the day so that they are completely protected. To be completely freed from all dense energy. He has also been assigned the Guide that corresponds to each of you and also the camera that is going to work here on the Emerald Ship.

Those who require any surgery or assistance of a greater scale will be taken to the Quantum Hospital Ship with the beloved Master Canahoto during that process. Those who require an intervention, here we have the whole team of Surgeons who can do these interventions and so we have always done it.

The cameras clean them of all negative energies and all their memories, however, it is sometimes necessary to do some special healing and they are guided to those ships and the Ship Hospital Azucena.

This day, will be a very important day of healing, where the Mother will pour out all abundance of healing and healing to all beings. Those who with a clean heart, with a big heart come looking for that energy in the Mother will find it there. There you will find that Miracle, here you will find that special case for healing, you will find it too. Because there is the Mother attentive and ready with all the team that will accompany her to assist each and every one of her children, who seek refuge and healing in the Mother.

On this day additionally to the blue team we will be accompanied as always by my beloved Archangel Rafael, the beloved Sananda My son and his Consort Lady Nada, the beloved Master Hilarion and the beloved Goddess Palas Atenea, the beloved Master Canahoto. From the Emerald Ship we will also be accompanied by the beloved Mother Kwan Yin and the Archangels Zadquiel and Amethyst, the beloved Master Antuak, Saint Germain will also be present. Our beloved Father Mother Adonai will also be present, and Absolute Supreme Father Mother are always on the lookout, attentive.

It’s going to be an afternoon of much healing. Our beloved Genetists of Sirius, Olivia and Kadmon will also be there, Father Sirius himself wants to be present on this day. This day will be of blessings. Beings need to heal, time is pressing, this reality is closing, opening to the new reality and they need to enter that new reality clean without so much burden that does not let them rise, raise their frequency, their vibration.

Always remember and I mention it. To ascend you have to ascend with this body, with that avatar you have in this incarnation. But that avatar has to be clean, healthy, so that it can take on the frequency, activate, calibrate to the new energies and new frequencies of this new reality.

Beloved, I call them all my children. Come, come, come to heal with Mother. Come to the Mother with a willing and open heart, that the Mother will always be there too, ready to assist all her children.

See you later connected to these love and light consciousness seeking refuge and healing at Mahindra Madre. I bless you All my children, it’s healing time, purification time.

Mahindra Mother.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 15/06/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar

MAHINDRA (Mother) – Tomorrow Will Be A Very Special Day For Crystical Activations.

The Grail at the Fountain of the Hunab Ku Temple and the Blue Sapphire Diamond Crystal from the Underground City of ERKS are Activated at their Highest Expression, are Activated at its Highest Energy. All the energy of the Pyramids and All the Electronic Patterns of the Masters, Archangels are all at their maximum expression right now in the Temple and will remain so all day today and tomorrow, preparing the energy for the healing processes and activation processes that will start tomorrow.

Get ready kids get ready. Tomorrow will be a very special day for these activations. I tell the kids, get ready from today. The more clean and purified your body, your organs, the better the effect and effectiveness of tomorrow will be.

Get ready, instructions have been given. Clean your bodies, don’t consume animal sacrifice foods, drink lots of water. Stay connected in meditation with an open heart and willing to activate your Christic being tomorrow. Start from today to prepare with lots of love.

If you can, get in touch with Mother Earth. Get connected with Mother Earth, go to a park, connect with the energy of a tree.

Those who are going for activation tomorrow are being subject to a great cleansing today, a complete cleansing to all by Archangel Michael and the whole Blue Team. Any energy that has been attached to them or entered their energy field, they are going to be released.

But it is important and I call on everyone to refrain from heavy foods and keep a diet based on fruits, vegetables, vegetables, pure water, so that tomorrow everything will be more effective in this activation.

This is what I wanted to say to those who are coming to the activations tomorrow.

I bless you all my children.

I Am Mahindra The Mother.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 15/06/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar


Beloved children of my heart, how I longed to have them here with me, to come to heal. That they may come to heal their garments, that they may come to free themselves from all that burden that they bring life after life and incarnation after incarnation.

They are already freed, they are clean, their DNA is sparkling, glowing in the sequence of the original Christian DNA as the Christian beings they all are. Because my children, all who are here, are Christian beings, they are beings who carry those Codes of Father Mother Adonai through Sananda and Lady Nada in the time of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene through Sarah. That great legacy, there they are all. Everyone is in this Christian DNA scheme.

Healed children, all who had the special intention of healing, were healed. The Mother says to them, have faith and you will see the glory of the dawn, you will see everything that has been dark in your lives bloom. They will see with other eyes, they will think with another mind. They will have ideas of light, of love, pure feelings.

Beloved children, this healing that you have been subjected to today, is invaluable, it is incalculable. No money in the world would pay for all this healing that they have been subjected to today. Receive with pleasure, with a grateful heart all this healing. Feel like you have been beneficiaries of the Great Power of Father Mother on this day.

I bless you all my children. I tell you, now a new phase begins, a new life beloved children. Live from love, live from peace in tranquility. Take care of your bodies, your emotional body, your physical body. Eat healthy, take care of your thoughts.

Remember that your thoughts are energy that emits and seeks its counterpart. Have thoughts of love, positive thoughts and you will attract everything positive into your lives.

You are blessed and you are blessed this day by this great love of Father Mother Adonai and the Supreme Father, who has poured out on all of you and all of these assistants who have accompanied us to all of you on this day. Be blessed.

I love them, I love them deeply and here you have Mahindra, the Mother always ready for the cry of her children. When you need it just call me, Mahindra, Mahindra Mahindra and I will be there with you assisting you.

I bid farewell, go calmly and when you return to your physical bodies, you will feel the great love of Mother and this whole universe of light and love that accompanies them.

Bless you All.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 15/06/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar


I am Mahindra the Mother and I want you at this moment, to deliver the report of the 23rd healing session that we have had. This afternoon has been an afternoon of complete healing. Quite healing situations given for all participants. The attendance of my beloved Archangel Rafael and all the guests was quite important on this day.

As always they attend to all participants and the energy that flows to the Chambers, Taquionic energy, Climbing. Very high frequency energy from the universe, from the Cosmos, is increased towards the chambers, because of this great presence of these great beings on the Ship. The Ship is a Great energetic receptacle with self-awareness as I told you.

Three operations were handled this afternoon. There is a cataract operation, it was done on the Quantico Azucena hospital ship. Another operation at the female reproductive system level, of 3 cysts. That ovary was severely compromised, it was removed and completely healed. It’s clean now, free of all those tumors in the ovary, all those cysts.

A person with an issue on his knee, was also the subject of intervention. There was a need to work on his joints and a need for a transplant with his own genetics on his very worn knee. A person also with hemorrhoids. She was treated on the ship, there was no need for surgery. But yes, she had a major activation and major healing there on the ship. It’s all about a gentleman.

A person with a heart disease, ischemic changes in his heart as a product of stress, Product of stress and that fast-paced life he leads, his heart was subjected to many stressful situations, many situations that compromised the full functioning of the whole system. He had his physical heart rehabilitated.

Respiratory problems, also problems with bronchitis and respiratory tract conditions. Many were healed. A young gentleman had his reproductive system worked on, with problems in his reproductive system, he had his healing done. You can rest easy now.

A person with a nervous issue, with very altered nerves, life situations, very altered emotional body. Wrecked nervous system. He had an adjustment to his central nervous system at the level of the bulb and the entire nervous system. A person with a very strong lumbalgia, there two disks in his lumbar part were restored and regenerated, nerves, and muscle and joint systems.

For the otherwise beloved children, I inform you that you were all completely cleaned. Their DNA became impeccable, freed from all traumatic situations from previous lives, freed from those negative situations that made them feel things, emotions, situations that did not belong to them or that were not of this life. They’re going to notice a lot of improvement. Even in situations of fear that they didn’t deserve, but they were memories of other lives.

Everyone had a great regeneration of all their organs, of all their systems. Their bodies must begin to function in good conditions, they must begin to work already. Maybe some have some healing meltdowns, especially those that cleaned up a lot of emotional trauma. They may feel exhausted, weary, but it has been the great influx of energy they have received from healing and cleansing. Maybe they need to go to the bathroom more often, do their needs. Excretor systems working, cleaning

I tell you this, because maybe some feel a little dazed by this situation, but they know that it is a product of the same healing that has been done to you and that the body is pulling out those toxic waste accumulated there.

Well, my beloved, I tell you all, much confidence, to all much faith, because you have received a great gift from heaven, a great healing over all your lives, from your memories, in your bodies. Thankful always like I tell them. Always thankful, because the universe feels that grateful heart and gives it back with more.

We continue with the healing meditations.

Emanuel and Pastora, we continue in the next week with the healing, let everyone prepare in time. Get ready everyone, because the great manifestation of healing love and light for all will continue.

I say goodbye, I am Mahindra, I am Mahidra, I am the Mother of Mahindra.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 15/06/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar


Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, how happy I feel when you connect with me every morning, when I feel the love in your hearts, when they recite that prayer so beautiful “Ave Luminosa”. I’m there like I always tell you. There I have anchored my energy, I am with you always in a heart united with much light and much love.

My beloved, on this day we will begin with the first activation session, with this small group, but very Powerful. We have already contacted all the group coming today for the 1st activation session. They have already been here in the healing chambers, because we do it when we start, we do a big touch on all their energy, all their bodies.

The beloved Archangel Miguel and his team clean their energy, their bodies, they are assigned a Blue Lightning Angel to accompany them throughout the process. From the moment they were brought onto the ship, cleansed and healed again of any physical condition they may have had along the way since they performed their healing on the Emerald Ship to today’s day for activation.

It is very important that they are harmonized in all their bodies, so that a great activation can take place. It is very important that they have prepared as requested. May you prepare in your physical body, in your emotional, mental body and stay calm in connection with your I Am on this special day. Because for the beings who come to this activation it is a great day, very special for them and for us.

Remember that, when the node is activated, a being of all this node of Crystic consciousness network, a large part of the network is activated. All those beings as we already saw last week, who are ready at a planetary level, who do not have access or knowledge of this work we do together, Emanuel and Pastora with the team, are activated, they work in silence, prepare in silence, maintain an attitude of connection and internal love to the whole hierarchy and spiritual world, they have already assumed responsibility over their physical body.

Maintain a very healthy diet, free from animal sacrifice, as I always tell you. All those beings will also activate on this day. We need the greatest possible activation of my beloved beings and I always call them. Perhaps many see that they are many demands or requirements they place, but it is the minimum they need to be able to activate their Christian being. As I always tell you, you cannot activate or calibrate a body contaminated with toxic substances, of energy from animal sacrifice, a heavy dense body.

So it is very difficult for him to caliber to integrate into his Superior Being. We always recommend you to do your physical cleanses, in your liver, in your colon, in your body, to ingest depuratives guided by qualified people. Natural depurations in their body to cleanse them of all the rot they have introduced to them during their lives, but now they are conscious and know that in that dense, heavy body, you cannot be activated. Can’t grab the required frequency. That is why and not for anything else that we request that condition.

Just like that, when planetary energies enter with those elevated codes to activate, those codes that come from the sun, the systems, the portals, find a dense, toxic body, an unbalanced emotional and mental body. They can’t do the effect they can do on a light, mild, toxin-free, clean body. That’s why my beloved ones we always tell you, purify yourselves, clean that avatar because the being will integrate with the avatar and it is that the one who will ascend with this physical body.

It’s menester my beloved, that’s why we always do this clarification and this briefing, so you can calibrate and integrate your Christian being. We are ready, the table served to serve this team, this group, the 5th activation group, hopefully in the future more and more beings will integrate and work within them.

Today we will be accompanied as always by my beloved Rafael, Mother Sekmet, Mother Shakti, Queen An Ra and Anubis, the beloved Archangel Haniel, the beloved Archangels Jofiel, Constanza and all the Hierarchs of the Temple of Enlightenment. Meru Gods, Beloved Siddhartha Gautama and all the Hierarchs of the temple will be there. The temple is activated for this process. Also the beloved Sananda and Lady Nada, the Grail is activated. Sara will also be joining the team today. Hunab Ku Temple Grail, that Cup is Activated. Those Codes are activated.

Also with us will be Mother Kwan Yin, beloved Father Sathya Sai Baba, beloved Goddess Palas Athena and beloved Master Hilarion, the Genetists of Sirius, beloved Olivia and Kadmon, our beloved galactic family. We will also be accompanied by Father Mother Adonai, Absolute Supreme Father. Great energy will be handled from the Underground City of ERKS, the Crystal of Blue Light Diamond Sapphire at its finest.

The beloved Metatron and the beloved Sandalphon, all energies anchored in the Temple, their Electronic Patterns will be activated in a great way, to attend this great activation. There we all connect. The Chamber of the Hunab kú temple is activated, as always connected and anchored to the Emerald Ship, to the Azucena Ship, the Quantum Hospital that supports us in energy as well.

My beloved, it is a special day, it is a day of Glory, because we continue to activate all the Nodes of all these Christian Consciousnesses at a planetary level and do not fix if they are few who participate, see the end result of all the Nodes in this network of Christian Consciousness that is activated in love and in light, because we work with this activation jointly.

Well my beloved, I thank Emanuel and Pastora all the love, all the effort, all the diligent they are, so that all this process from the plane where they are is taken into effect and are the link.

I love you All my children. See you this afternoon, it’s Glory day.

I Am Mahindra, I Am Mahindri, I Am MahIndra The Mother.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 16/06/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar


Beloved, beloved children of my heart, I feel so happy and so glad to see you here. See them who have culminated in this first session of activating their Christian being, of activating their I Am in this avatar.

A lot of energy has been handled. We have been assisted by these great beings and with our Father Mother Adonai, with Our Absolute Supreme Mother Father. Everyone without exception has done a great job this afternoon in this process of Crystic activation.

We have achieved the goal of this first activation. The cameras, their monitors have shown that 30% of this activation process has been achieved, which is expected for the first process. In the other following processes, in the second and third activation, the following activation processes will already be achieved.

But it’s very important my loved ones, that now they take care of themselves more than ever. Take care of your energy, take care of your body, take care of their avatar ingesting only living foods, foods that have not received animal sacrifice. Get in touch with the nature. Fresh, pure water, meditate.

Take care of your emotional body. Control your sick negative emotions. Control your thoughts. Get rid of the matrix, those memories of the extinct matrix.

Everything is a process my beloved. From here we help you, but it is important that you also do your part and we are waiting for you next week, in the second activation session. They are blessed and we need all of you, those major Nodes of that Planetary Crystalline Network.

Activating those Nodes, we activate other beings already prepared, ready, are activated through this Planetary Critical Consciousness Network. Beloved, it’s a great time, it’s been a great session and you’ve all been blessed in this first activation session.

Here I am always, as always in your hearts attending to you. Any need call me, Mahindra, Mahindra , Mahindra Mother and I will serve you, guide you, guide you.

We are in this process and we are all necessary and important. Now I say goodbye waiting for them for the next session in the next week.

I Am Mahindra, I Am Mahindr, I Am MahIndra the Mother, I bless you all children of my heart.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 16/06/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar

Mahindra (Mother) – Report of the 1st Session of the 5th Critical Activation

Greetings beloved Emanuel and Pastora, beloved children of my heart, we connect to give information about the results of the 5th session of Crystical activation. Just like I told the participants once the session was over, it was a very special activation. An activation of being Christian from all participants that reached 30%.

Remember that these activations are done in steps, gradually it is activated so that the energy goes by making the connection in steps. It can’t be done in a single session, because it’s a lot of energy that is handled and you need to go gradually, that the body will adapt, that all systems will work gradually.

The goal of this activation has been achieved. All participants, as I always say, hold on. It’s three weeks we have to work hard. We do a part, but it is up to each being, each person, each participant, to perform the other part. It’s a team work my beloveds.

I always tell you, we give the beginning and you continue the process, you continue taking care of yourselves, taking care of your bodies. We are in a very traumatic planetary moment, where there are demonstrations in all environments at the level of planetary transmutations, where we know that forces opposing the divine plan seek to boycott and sabotage the plans we make to give this great plan of Father Mother Adonai.

Then you have to take care of yourself my beloved. Always keep yourself well harmonized, keep the physical body in good condition. Avoiding, as I always tell you, ingesting foods from animal sacrifice. Eating healthy with fresh food. As fresh as they can, vegetables, fruits, vegetables, drinking lots of fresh, pure water.

I always tell you, work on releasing, cleaning your liver system, your gallbladder and your colon by physically cleaning it with people trained to do this kind of work and consulting so that everyone can do it from their home. But it’s convenient for my beloved to do it. As the body is more purified, cleaner, calibration gets better, integration gets better.

So that’s why I tell you, work is done as a collective. Keeping the emotional and mental body in check. Letting go of memories, from the dictations of the ancient 3d matrix.

Everyone is important, everyone is necessary. They’re Nodes, You’re Activation Nodes. Nodes of that Planetary Critical Consciousness Network. As you are activating your Christian being, you are activating prepared beings that are already ready for activation connected to the Network.

That Network is nourished from all the planetary Christic consciousnesses, from the Christic beings that are here. More all the Avataric consciences, more the Guides, Teachers that we attend. There we are all connected to that great Network, feeding it, giving it strength. And you activating, helping the process, because the work is done together. We are all important like I’m telling you. The work of each person results in the whole process.

I say and repeat, to all those who have the intention of activation, to come to the Mother, seek activation. Emanuel and Pastora we have appointed them as those channels to do that great job at a global level. We understand that perhaps all the requirements that are placed at the best can not be satisfied by many who aspire and want to activate their Christian being.

But that’s why I tell you, it’s an inside job of everyone first and then who’s prepared and ready, comes the activation process. Preparation is necessary my beloved. In a messy life, in a life full of vices, in an emotionally unstable life, in a world they call, a crazy life, it’s very difficult to be able to integrate. Because the energy is turbulent, it’s dense. And how do we activate something that is very dense? It is necessary to first clarify that avatar that will integrate being Christian in all aspects, physical, emotional, mental.

So beloved I call you all to reflection, all of you. No time to waste, no time to waste my beloved. There is no time to waste, it is now or they will wait for another process of how many thousands of years to be given again. It’s time, it’s the opportunity, as they say, to get on the train. If they miss this train, they will have to wait a long, long time to catch the other one again. And I mean these processes of ascension, of ascension.

They are here for this purpose, WAKE UP. Don’t let your thoughts and intentions be clouded. The dark forces seek to attack and prevent them from achieving this goal. Get ready, get ready, the times are running and we are already in this final phase of this process.

Encourage yourselves, wake up children, find the way and you will not lose this incarnation, this purpose, this mission that you will chart before you are born and that represents thousands and thousands of years to have an opportunity like this.

I bless all the participants of this 5th activation and I thank all the team who accompanied me. To the whole team, my beloved Rafael, beloved Sananda and Lady Nada, Mother Shakti, Mother Sekmet, Queen An Ra and Anubis. To the entire Temple of Enlightenment, the temple Hierarchs, Archangel Haniel, Jofiel and Constanza, the beloved Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, the beloved Meru Gods who actively participated and the Mighty Flame of Enlightenment who did a great job throughout the process.

We are also grateful for the attendance of our beloved Mother Kwan Yin, our beloved Master Hilarion and the beloved Goddess Palas Atenea, the Genetists of Sirius, Olivia and Kadmon. Also to Our Father Mother Adonai, Father Mother Absolute Supreme.

The Holy Grail, the Powerful energy of the Codes Vibrated, expanded and activated all participants activating all those dormant DNA fibers, activating their light.

Beloved to finish I want to tell you, that every time with more strength and more power these activations work from the Hunab Ku Temple from the Valleys of ERKS through the Chamber, from this Source that we have called “Luminosa Bird”. This Holographic Healing and Activation Chamber, which connects to the Emerald Ship and connects to the Quantum Hospital, the Azucena Ship.

Great demonstrations took place today during the Activation. There was the presence of a Great Being, an Eagle that presented itself and Manifested itself giving signs that, this Christian process was taking place. That the Presence of Sananda, Lady Nada, Sara, the Grail, the Cup, exerted great energy and great power over all participants.

Other Birds Protests In Front Of The Camera As Well. It was a wonderful thing, the Elementals were all active also in the Temple, in the Chamber. It was a special day and as I started closing.

Saying goodbye my beloved bless you all. I Am Mahindra, I Am Mahindri, I Am MahIndra The Mother.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 16/06/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar

EMERALD QUANTUM HEALING SESSION 24TH NOTICE. On Saturday, June 22 at 15:00 Argentina

Don’t miss this opportunity to cleanse yourself, to heal yourself, to release all the evil that drags from life and lives, from everything that water you the most. This healing is performed by Mahindra Madre, Archangel Raphael, the Guides and the team of Celestial Healers who assist Mahindra Mother, in our Quantum Double in the Quantum Healing Chambers of the Emerald Ship, Main Ship of the Holy Emerald Command.

All beings who wish to participate in this Miraculous Healing, who wish to elevate their life, should send an email with all their details, date of birth, full name and country of residence to:


Remember, this is a holistic, complete healing in all of your bodies, physical, interdimensional, and also encompasses the ancestral family tree, cleansing, healing and alignment of DNA by the intervention of weapons that the dark forces used in the pandemic.

This service is carried out by Conscious Loving Collaboration. It is a service performed under the Universal Law of Giving and Receiving. All the resources collected, are used for the additional works of the Light Source “AVE LUMINOSA” or the Quantum Healing Chamber, as desired by Mahindra Mother.

To all participants, Mahindra Madre recommends the No intake of carnivorous foods, all kinds of food from animal sacrifice or their derivatives, hams, pork, meatballs, fish, junk food, greasy food and all kinds of food that damages the organism. Cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and all kinds of harmful substances. They must drink lots of water, sunbathe and make contact with nature.

This healing service is performed in the Spanish language through a live meditation by zoom, next Saturday June 22 at 15 hours Argentina.

If you do not master our language and decide to participate in the healing, surrender to your Superior Being, Mahindra Mother and the Teachers with faith, that they will charge that you receive the healing you desire and need, because the desire and the power of intention act.

All interested parties should send their complete details and if they indicate us the country, we to facilitate Consent Loving Collaboration upon receiving your request, we will make you arrive in the response, the way you can do the Collaboration.

The deadline for submitting applications is Friday, June 21, 24 hours before the scheduled time for the healing. Therefore, we recommend that you decide on time, because it is important to respect the times.

Send an email to:


Infinite Gratitude,

Emanuel and Pastora.

Check your Time…

15 H. Argentina and Brazil.

14 H. Chile

12 H. Mexico

14 H. United States of America

14 H. Venezuela.

13 H. Colombia and Peru.

20 H. Paris, Madrid, Roma

19 H. London , Lisbon

21 P.M. Greece.

22 H. Istanbul Turkey.

Check your time.




All Glory Be To Father Mother Adonai.

Greetings beloved, I am Kwan Yin, I come with all love to give you a short message, but before I wanted to tell you, that a great job has been done together with Mother Mahindra and the whole team at the Emerald Ship, helping in the healing, in the transmutation of all the dense energies these beings carried in their DNA.

These people who came with love, with the intention of healing, have been healed, transmuted their memories. And the ones who have been activated too.

All Glory be to Father Mother Adonai. All this is a great achievement of the whole team that commands and directs Mother Mahindra, of which you Emanuel and Pastora are part of.

I want to talk to you today about the use of Ka energy. Already now as the planet is ascending, raising its frequency, which is increasingly becoming larger and the frequency of the bodies of those beings who have decided to cleanse themselves of all negativity, all dense energy already handles other energy levels. They already handle other types of energy.

Ki energy remained exclusively in 3ad, but since that energy also transcends and transforms, we now use Ka energy for these 4th, 5th, 6th dimension levels. A more subtle, more powerful, higher frequency and greater reaching energy.

That all beings who have been cleansed, healed and activated with the Mother, with Mahindra in the Emerald Ship, already carry, already drive. Because their energy levels allow it like that. Because they have already released amount, amount of negative memories in their bodies.

The predominant energy now on the planet, for those beings who are already conscious and in one dimension, handling a 5a, 4a, 6a, 7a dimension, already have access to the great handling of this energy.

Healers, reikists, those who handle reiki, can use this energy, just as they used Ki energy, because they work with energy healings, quantum healings, can use Ka energy, which is mostly attending all healers and all light beings of the planet.

Learn, it’s the same, it’s similar to the use of Ki energy, only it has increased in power, in vibration, in frequency. Internalize, seek Mother Kwan Yin in your heart and she will guide you in using this powerful and wonderful Ka energy.

My beloved, times are changing, everything is transforming, not only at the Mother level, but in everything, at the conscious level, at the physical level. Now your bodies are not the bodies you used to wear.

That’s why many foods they ingest are no longer assimilable, rather they disrupt the functioning of their current systems. Now systems have changed, they have been evolving to other frequency levels, and therefore, they must also transform what they ingest, raise it in frequency.

And what the planet has the most frequency, is vegetables, fruits, vegetables, water. Food photonized with sunlight, Mother Earth energy, that is. Now beings who bodies are admitting pure water, solar energy, photons.

Beloved, that’s why I tell you, it’s important to take care of the body. The frequency levels are no longer being handled, neither of their emotional or mental bodies. All bodies have raised their frequency and vibration.

Check your thoughts, your mental constructions have been changing, they have been adjusting to new frequencies. But there is still a lot of work to be done. There is work to continue to deconstruct or disable those memories from the ancient matrix.

Your I Am, your superior I guides you to the new paradigms that will rule this planet, this new reality that is already at the doors.

My beloveds, be safe, use Ka energy, the energy of this new time, of this new frequency. Rise, heal, cultivate your inner self, your I Am. Connect, it’s the cutest thing you can do in the day, connect to your Divine Presence I Am, thank you for your guidance, your guidance. Because every day he becomes more latent, more evident his presence in every being.

I bid farewell, I Am Mother Kwan Yin to all. I bless you all the children of Father Mother Adonai.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 17/06/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar

MAHINDRA (Mother) – Beloved Children Participate with Mahindra Mother in Healing

“Come with Mahindra Mother, come, come, come. Times are very near my beloved. We need you all and you are all useful and necessary beloved children of Father Mother Adonai. Come, get healed, release the memories”

Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, I Am Mahindra The Mother. I connect with the loving heart, to the loving heart of you, I bless you my children. I wanted to stop by and leave you a short message related to these energies of the solstice.

I wanted to comment to you, yes, it is a great energy that enters the planet, because of the position of the planet in relation to the solar system. It has been celebrated in ancient times by all ancestral cultures. It’s a pretty notorious date on the level of all children of light. They’re getting ready to celebrate this solstice, and it’s not bad. But what I want you to understand, my beloved, is that, the energy that is flowing to the planet exceeds, greatly exceeds all expectations and on this solstice, unites, increases with this energy the energetic flow that enters the planet.

Because, as they have been told repeatedly, the portals have been opened and will never be closed. Because we are on our way in the process of ascension where energy flows freely into the system. It’s wonderful to be able to feel all this energy. But don’t just focus on solstice energy. It’s important that you see it as a whole, as I tell you Lady Nada, to use all this energy for your process, the healing process.

When we work on the Emerald Ship, those Chambers work with all the universal energy flow. With all the tachionic energies, climbing, cosmotronic energy flowing from these portals, with the energy of the sun. With photonic energy and all energies flow and converge in these chambers for healing.

You take advantage my beloveds. Those who do not have the opportunity to integrate into the healings with Mahindra Mother in the Emerald Ship, take advantage and feel all this great energy flow in their bodies, in their DNA, releasing, releasing old memories, old memories, that what they do is disturb the DNA that is already there changing and moving up to another level. It also helps the bodies to free themselves, to free themselves from all those old memories, those dense memories that the bodies hold.

Then my beloved, I tell you, for this day tomorrow when we will be working on the Healing in the Emerald Ship accompanied by Emanuel and Pastora from the Healing Chamber “Bright Bird” that they have there in the Temple Hunab Kú, where my energy is anchored, where tomorrow will be worked greatly, taking advantage of all this conjunction, all this great energy that is greatly increased with all this solstice energy. The energy we’ll be handling is great, apart from the solar energy which is pretty intense.

Beloved, I invite you, to connect and integrate with healing, to participate with Mahindra Mother, in the Emerald Ship. Come on out and get involved. I always call on them to come and be healed. Because all the mechanisms of the universe for this human of planet earth, are distilled, are combined in these healing chambers of the Emerald Ship, where all this energy is concentrated, so that the bodies, the whole being, the soul releases all those memories and to continue their process of ascending slightly, in a light, clean body, with a purified DNA, a DNA returned to its adulterated energetic sequence during the processes of the past plandemic.

I invite you beloved, feel this calling in your heart. Come with mahindra mother come come come Times are very, very near my beloved. We need you all and you are all useful and necessary beloved children of Father Mother Adonai. Come, heal, release the memories. Connect to this hour, at the appointed time, to receive all this great energy of this solstice and all the energy that converges greatly to the planet.

I love you, the whole team of the Emerald Green Light will be there to serve you and all the guests I always bring to help and strengthen even more, all that energy and all this process of healing and liberation. Farewell my beloved, farewell with all my love.

I Am Mahindra, I Am Mahindri, I Am MahIndra The Mother.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 21/06/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar

MAHINDRA (Mother) – In the Healing of this Saturday, we will activate with Lord Ganesha and Lady Nada, Prosperity to All

Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, I am Mahindra the Mother. I connect to your big heart my beloved, there we are connected as always. Like every Saturday, I wanted to give you the previews of this Saturday’s healing process. We have everything prepared and ready to receive the participants.

There is a great team that will accompany me today, as always, will be my beloved Rafael, beloved Sananda and Lady Nada, I will be accompanied by the beloved Master Hilarion and the beloved Palas Atenea, Mother Kwan Yin, the beloved Archangels Zadquiel and Amethyst and the beloved Master Antuak. We will also have the presence of the Genetists of Sirius, Olivia and Kadmon, We also have the attendance of Father Mother Adonai, Father Mother Absolute Supreme, the beloved Lord Ganesha will also enter.

It is necessary beloved, to go activating prosperity, we will have the beloved Master Lady Nada who will also help us with this activation process. On a planetary level it is necessary for all the children of light to activate prosperity. Beloved, many children have been blocked in their prosperity, in their flow of prosperity, because of the whole issue of the matrix.

It is necessary to work for them prosperity. In this session today, we will be working it especially and we will work it in all the subsequent sessions. Prosperity will be worked, so that prosperity will begin to flow into all the children of light.

And with regard to the healing of this day, all the guides are ready, ready, cameras, everything is ready. We will be connected to the Ship Quantum Hospital Azucena, with the beloved Maestro Canahoto. And as always we will be connected to the Source of Liquid Light, “Luminosa Bird” Healing Chamber as we have called it. We will be there from the Emerald Ship all connected.

The energy is very favorable in today my beloved, it intensifies a lot. The solstice portal is at its peak and taking advantage of all the influx of energy entering the planet, it will be an intense session. And I call the children of Father and Mother, come and be healed, be healed my beloved, be free, download old memories that no longer serve you, that are of no use to you.

Come, Mahindra is calling you, Mahindra opens its arms. Here I wait for you loved ones of my heart, I wait for you all. Bless you and we are in touch coming soon for the 24th session this Saturday 22nd June.

I bless you all.

I Am Mahindra, I Am Mahindri, I Am MahIndra The Mother.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 22/06/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai


The Blue Sapphire Diamond Light Crystal will be on this day, this weekend, and especially today in the Healing hours and tomorrow in the Activation hours, radiating this Torrential of Energy to Everyone and the entire Planet.

I give you this information.

I am Azuel

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 22/06/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai

MAHINDRA (Mother)…

Words from Mahindra Mother, at the end of the 24th healing session

Beloved children of my heart, I really like to see you here in the Ship to heal, to get rid of all those old memories, to heal all their bodies. Responding to the loving call of the Mother, you are here my children, because I have called you to the bottom of your heart to come, come, come. We need them all, we need them to be healed, to be released, to release all those energies that no longer serve them, from all those recordings.

We are in a very special process on a planetary level, in which it is necessary for you to heal yourselves, cleanse yourselves, get rid of all that garbage my children, that was recorded to you, that no longer serves you. In this afternoon all my children have become clean, clean and healthy from the great love of my heart.

From this great technology that we use to help you heal, to raise your frequency and vibration and so the planet also raises its frequency, its vibration and we are walking towards this new world, to that new reality that corresponds to us at the end of this cosmic cycle.

But we must go healthy, completely clean and freed from all those old memories, all those negative recordings we have.

I tell you my children, the process begins. They are already healthy, but they must maintain, keep their body in that optimal state of vibration, energy. Heal yourselves with food. A healthy diet helps to heal.

Let thy food be thy medicine. Don’t let your food be your disease. Feed yourself more of what Mother Earth gives you, vegetables, fruits, vegetables, anything that carries photonic energy.

Take care of your thoughts. Take care of your emotional body, work on negative emotions. Lead a quiet life, in love at peace with everything.

It’s time for reconciliation, it’s time for unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness. It’s no good for them to heal and continue with anger, with hatred, with resentment with their neighbor, or with their parents, or with their brothers, with their friends. It’s time for reconciliation of all the children of Father Mother. We are all ONE, we are one consciousness and we are united in this energy.

Live in love, spend time to prayer, spend time to meditation. Get in touch with nature, be under the energy of a tree, embrace it. Get bare on the ground and feel the energy that Mother Earth delivers.

Live the here and the now. Now with this prosperity activation, new things will come, beautiful things into your lives. But live them from love, live them from sharing, from feeling.

Beloved children, I bless you and you already know that you have Mahindra connected in their hearts. Their names are registered here in the Ship. Whenever you need any assistance, connect with Mahindra the Mother and request to be brought here to the Emerald Ship.

My beloved children, I bless you. I Am Mahindra, I Am Mahindri, I Am MahIndra The Mother.

Go in peace, love, light.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 22/06/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai

MAHINDRA (Mother) – 24th Emerald Quantum Healing Session Report

Beloved children of my heart, here I am Mahindra, the Mother, always connected in your hearts. Today was a very special healing, like every Saturday, the healings that take place on the Emerald Ship. Today we were greatly helped by the great energies of the solstice, which were at their climax of intensity.

A great healing was done to all participants, all came clean, their memories, all completely all. Memories etched in their DNA of past lives and their incarnations. Memories of pain, trauma, sadness, sickness, agony, poverty. All those memories were erased from her DNA.

Many received specific healings that they requested from Mother through guidance.

There was a very special healing for a person who had kidney stones, who was in a lot of intense pain. Those calculations were already sprayed and removed. Now we recommend you drink plenty of water to clean and release all that buildup left there. But the calculations were completely sprayed. Plenty of water to clean your urinary tracts. I recommend to everyone who has a tendency to generate this type of calculations, to reduce the consumption of dairy to improve this situation.

There was also one person who had his gallbladder very compromised, with many very large calculations. He had digestive problems, but it was his gallbladder. All those calculations were removed from his gallbladder. Respiratory tract issues There were two people who were very congested on their respiratory system, in their throat, in their entire respiratory systems, in their bronchios. They were also healed.

A person who had a moonshine on his skin, who was detected to have malignant, cancerous cells and was regenerated, healed. At the level of the bone system, a gentleman with an issue in his joints at the level of his shoulders with a lot of pain, a lot of wear. He was worked on and returned.

A lady with very, very intense menstrual problems, with many colic, was also cured. In his matrix he had several myomas, which were removed through the Quantum Hospital Ship, by the beloved Maestro Canahoto. This is how the gallbladder and the kidneys were also treated at the Quantum Hospital.

A person also with knee problems had his joint system cleaned and regenerated. He could barely walk because of the knee very worn out and it regenerated. A very nervous person, very exalted, had his central nervous system regulated.

A person with a wear in a vertebrae of the neck is a product of poor positions in the use of computers. There she had a bad anchoring of the cervical vertebrae, her disc was regenerated and her neck was adjusted. Loved, and besides telling them that digestive systems were adjusted for everyone. A lot of inadequate feeding energy was cleaned off. Their stomachs and intestinal systems were adjusted.

Well my beloveds, this is in a big way what was done during the healing of this wonderful day. There was a person who had bronchitis who detected some kind of tumor at the base of his left lung. That tumor that didn’t look good, an evil tumor. Well my beloved, with this I finish the report of the findings and healings that were made during the 24th healing session on the Emerald Ship, very grateful and attended by all my guests.

Beloved Lady Nada and beloved Lord Ganesha who worked greatly in activating prosperity to all attendees as we told you. Father Mother beings are prosperous, abundant beings, they need to reclaim those codes, reset them so that abundance and prosperity flow into their lives.

Also the beloved Goddess Palas Atenea and the beloved Master Hilarion worked on activating the truth, so that the truth flows into the hearts of all participants.

Geneticists Sirio, Olivia and Kadmón worked on retrieving the original Crystico DNA sequence of this Adan Kadmón race. They worked to recover in those who, for the effects of vaccines, interfered with the original effect of their DNA.

Beloved Sananda and Lady Nada, beloved Mother Kwan Yin, beloved Zadquiel and Amethyst, and beloved Saint Germain Antuak, worked hard in all processes of liberation, of karma, liberation of past lives, greatly cleansed all bodies. Everyone got cleaned up from all those memories.

Beloved Father Mother Adonai, who with her immense love, with her immense gratitude, with her immense power, just like Absolute Supreme Father radiated all that energy of unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness to all, so that they live from love, from peace.

And to the beloved Archangel Michael, who always lends and attentive does that great prior cleaning and that assistance during meditation to all participants. Very grateful beloved Archangel Miguel and all the blue team that serves in these healings.

Well my beloved, and to you Emanuel and Pastora, also for being the means to reach people, to reach all the children of Father Mother who are seeking healing. And we continue with these processes every Saturday the same, in the same tune, at the same time.

I call on all those who have not joined, to come. Come heal with the Mother, time is no longer enough, time on your planet. This cycle is closing and they need to heal. They feel children, the calling of their inner self, of their I Am.

Well my beloved, I’m out. Always in eternal love, always blessing the children of Father Mother Adonai, all participants and thanking all the love.

I Am Mahindra, I Am Mahindri, I Am MahIndra The Mother.

Blessings to All.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 22/06/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai

MAHINDRA (Mother) – Words of Call to the 2nd Session of the 5th Crystic Activation

Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, I am Mahindra the Mother, here always, as always connected with your heart. I wanted like every Sunday to give the information for the activation process for this 5th group of beings, who have chosen and decided to come to these activations of the Christian Being. Everything is ready and ready, just waiting for the time to come.

The beloved Archangel Michael has already performed a deep cleansing to all participants and as always, he assigns an Angel of guardianship and protection to that being throughout the activation process. They were also brought on hours of sleep, to the Emerald Ship. Here, a comprehensive revision was performed to all and the adjustments corresponding to each being, in all their bodies to continue the process.

Today, the energy is also pretty intense, a little less than yesterday, but with a special force from the solstice portal. We take advantage of all this energy and as we always tell you, the energy that enters the planet is very intense and the cameras work and boost our bodies, this activation with all this energy. With the attendance of all the guests today.

As always, our beloved and Divine Consort, the Beloved Archangel Rafael will accompany us. The beloved Sananda and Lady Nada have already activated the Christian Codes, here in the Temple, at the Fountain Ave Luminosa. There that energy is activated for today’s activation process.

We will also be joined by beloved Mother Shakti, Mother Sekmet, beloved Anubis and Queen An Rä of Andromeda. The Temple of Enlightenment connects Grandly to the Hunab Ku temple during the activation hours. All that energy and all the temple hierarchs will be there. The flame of illumination radiating strongly. Meru Gods, Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, Beloved Archangel Haniel, Archangel Jofiel and Constanza and all the Hierarchs, Master Kuthumi, Master Lanto will all be attending this Activation process on its second day.

Strong energies will be handled today my children. And also the Underground City ERKS, radiates from the Crystal of Blue Light Sapphire Diamond a powerful energy for this activation process. We will also be attended by the beloved geneticists of Sirius, the beloved Olivia and Kadmon, the beloved Goddess Palas Atenea and the beloved Master Hilarion, the beloved Lord Ganesha and the beloved Mother Laskmi. We will also be accompanied by Father Mother Adonai, Absolute Supreme Father, Beloved Mother Kwan Yin, Beloved Father Sathya Sai Baba.

This is a day where more intense energies will be handled. First session is a bit of adjusting and tying to systems. Now in this second session, a more intense activation will be done, to begin the process of integration with the avatar.

Well beloved, everything is ready. All ready, cameras prepared and assigned, Guides waiting for everyone to start the process.

I bless you and greatly appreciate all this service and I thank all those who have decided to come and activate their Christian Being. Because it’s a chain activation, because it activates other prepared beings on the planet.

I bid farewell to I Am Mahindra, I Am Mahindri, I Am MahIndra.

And thank you Emanuel and Pastora grateful always, thank you from my heart.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 22/06/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai

MAHINDRA (Mother) – At the end of the 2nd session of the 5th activation of the Christian Being

“He who does not activate his Christian Being, cannot Ascend”

Beloved, beloved children of my heart, how happy I feel to have you here today, to continue your process of Crystic activation so necessary for this planetary moment we live, necessary so that we can ascend my beloved. Because if you don’t integrate your Christian Being into your avatar you can’t ascend beloved.

His great will has brought you here called from his I Am. In law is and in his Divine plan is, that this process of activation is done in you. And continue, you are main nodes of this process and from this node activate others, to thousands who are prepared, who take advantage of this moment, this Universal and Christian momentum to activate through the mesh, of the network of Christian consciousness.

Today we have achieved excellent results in all. We’re up to 75% in most cases. We have a very important session left, because there, we continue the activation process and go to another process, which is the Universal connection, which is the process of aligning the electromagnetic fields of you with that of the planet and that of the universe.

So, it’s very important my beloved. We already have one session to go on. Keep working on you my beloveds. It’s important that they maintain their energy. Take care of yourself, take care of your food, take care of you thoughts and your emotions. Stay connected in meditation, in prayer to light, to your being, to Mahindra, to Mother.

I bless you, I bless you my beloved, I bless you greatly.

Continue, continue your process. Expecting them next week. Go in peace, go in love, be that light, radiate that light. Saying goodbye with all my love to all.

I Am Mahindra, I Am Mahindri, I Am MahIndra The Mother.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 22/06/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai


Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, beloved children of my heart, I am Mahindra the Mother. This afternoon I come as always to give you the report of the second meeting of the 5th Crystica activation group made this afternoon. The whole session today, was imbued with a great, very powerful energy, quite strong.

I feel like maybe all participants should rest greatly, lie down, because the power management we’ve had, has been very intense. You may be feeling for moments, some consequences arising from the process. They may be feeling a little activity in their heart chakra, a little oppression. Also at the level of his head, like a slight bad being in his head. In her ears, all over her body, like a fatigue, in her spine.

All this my beloved, is a consequence of this great energy potential that was handled in today’s day. I told you that, in each session the energy becomes more intense, because we are adapting the energy to the bodies of people, it is adapting, it is increasing little by little, so that the body is adapting little by little. That’s why we do 3 sessions to achieve this activation in the third, with the most intense energy, already preparing the way in the other 2 activation sessions.

It was quite intense and the vast majority, reached 75%, something wonderful, a very successful goal achieved for all. Now we hope that in the 3rd it will be achieved, the missing 25%, which is already much less than 30%, which we had achieved last time. It has now reached 75%. A great gradient, that’s why I call you my beloved. It was not a small thing to do this afternoon. Try to rest, don’t force the body, so that all this energy ancle and ancle in everything.

Beloved, all the attendance we counted today, was a balluarte. As I mentioned, all attendees gave their all. From the temple of enlightenment, great energy radiated. All the Temple Hierarchs and all the Flame of Illumination were in great service throughout the activation.

Likewise, big glass energy from ERKS Underground City. That Diamond Sapphire Blue Crystal was at its full power for this Crystic activation. The holy Grail, those crystals and that Cup Anchored here at the Hunab Ku temple, were also at their finest attending to everyone. The team of Mother Sekmet, Mother Shakti, Queen An Rä and Anubis, did a great job with the energy of the Ank, they helped greatly with the activation energy.

Likewise beloved Sananda and Lady Nada, beloved mother Kwan Yin activating all Ka energy. Sirius Genetists helping in activating the Codes together with Sananda and Lady Nothing. Our beloved Goddess of Truth, beloved Teacher Palas Atenea and beloved Master Hilarion, also working in truth and inner, spiritual knowledge in all beings.

Also during the session, all the virtues anchored in the vertebrae of the spine of the attendees were activated. All the Chakras at their peak. They managed to open in the majority of the participants. All the cerebral hemispheres flashed, activated.

Pineal gland great thrust great flow pineal gland activated. All mental systems such as cerebellum, thalamus, hypothalamus and all brain coordinations were activated and the brain energy was reconstructed, the neuronal synapsis, so that this brain goes suiting the brain of the new human light, the New Human Adam Kadmon of this 5th race.

Everything was wonderful my beloved. They have already activated the connections for the Crystic Dodecahedric Network in their joints. Everything came together in a perfect, synchronized way. All chakras up to soul star chakra 8, have been activated.

Father Mother Adonai, Father Mother Supreme, activated the Great Unconditional Love and Unconditional Forgiveness, peace and harmony in those hearts. The Trina Flame, that Trina flame lit, all its flames activated and pulsed activating that great inner being, that Master that we all are.

My beloved, in addition, a great job, a great effort that I thank all participants for this great decision to come to activate. I always tell you, unless you integrate your Christian being with your Avatar, you can’t ascend my beloved.

I also thank the beloved Archangel Miguel and the whole team Santa Esmeralda, my beloved Rafael and the whole team that assisted me throughout the process and you two Emanuel and Pastora, as I always tell you, all the love you put into this, so that this is given.

Activating a node of these participants, because they are all nodes, a large network is activated, thousands are activated and we need everyone to raise the frequency of this process, which is already closing its cycle.

Times are pressing my beloved and I always call you all. Get ready and come get activated, come get activated children of Father Mother Adonai. Because if they don’t activate their Christian Being, they can’t Ascend.

Well my beloved Emanuel and Pastora. We continue with the process, with the process of Healing the same every Saturday. Until now we continue the same way and the activation processes, we have already closed this group next Sunday and then we will start another group.

You can’t stop the work my beloved, it’s necessary, it’s menester and I call on everyone to come.

The Mother calls you All, extends her arms to them, opens her arms to all, so that they come to heal and activate their Christian being at this very important planetary moment. I bless you all.

I Am Mahindra, I Am Mahindri, I Am MahIndra The Mother.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 22/06/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai


On Saturday, June 29 at 15:00 Argentina

Don’t miss this opportunity to cleanse yourself, to heal yourself, to release all the evil that drags from life and lives, from everything that water you the most. This healing is performed by Mahindra Madre, Archangel Raphael, the Guides and the team of Celestial Healers who assist Mahindra Mother, in our Quantum Double in the Quantum Healing Chambers of the Emerald Ship, Main Ship of the Holy Emerald Command.

All beings who wish to participate in this Miraculous Healing, who wish to change and uplift their life, should send an email with all your details, date of birth, full name and country of residence to:


Remember, this is a holistic, complete healing in all of your bodies, physical, interdimensional, and also encompasses the ancestral family tree, cleansing, healing and alignment of DNA by the intervention of weapons that the dark forces used in the pandemic.

This service is carried out by Conscious Loving Collaboration. It is a service performed under the Universal Law of Giving and Receiving. All the resources collected, are used for the additional works of the Light Source “AVE LUMINOSA” or the Quantum Healing Chamber, as desired by Mahindra Mother.

To all participants, Mahindra Madre recommends the No intake of carnivorous foods, all kinds of food from animal sacrifice or their derivatives, hams, pork, meatballs, fish, junk food, greasy food and all kinds of food that damages the organism. Cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and all kinds of harmful substances. They must drink lots of water, sunbathe and make contact with nature.

This healing service is performed in the Spanish language through a live meditation by zoom, next Saturday June 29 at 15 hours Argentina.

If you do not master our language and decide to participate in the healing, surrender to your Superior Being, Mahindra Mother and the Teachers with faith, that they will charge that you receive the healing you desire and need, because the desire and the power of intention act.

All interested parties should send their complete details and if they indicate us the country, we to facilitate Consent Loving Collaboration upon receiving your request, we will make you arrive in the response, the way you can do the Collaboration.

The deadline for submitting applications is Friday, June 29, 24 hours before the scheduled time for the healing. Therefore, we recommend that you decide on time, because it is important to respect the times.

Send an email to:


Infinite Gratitude,

Emanuel and Pastora.

Check your Time…

15 H. Argentina and Brazil.

14 H. Chile

12 H. Mexico

14 H. United States of America

14 H. Venezuela.

13 H. Colombia and Peru.

20 H. Paris, Madrid, Roma

19 H. London , Lisbon

21 P.M. Greece.

22 H. Istanbul Turkey.

Check your time.



MAHINDRA (Mother) with Regarding Healing

And remember that these healings are done by Loving Collaboration, for the Project that I have requested from Emanuel and Pastora there in the Temple, to obtain the necessary financial resources, to carry out this Project.

It’s not because healing is expensive or worth it. Because they are priceless, it is immeasurable what you should repay for this healing that is done to you. It wouldn’t be enough for all the gold in the world to repay all this healing that is given to them, that they receive. And the participants open their hearts. From a kind, giving heart, flows energy with greater intensity.

Healing is free for all, it is only a Collaboration, a contribution, to help these two missionaries, that we have entrusted them with this great Mission, that is why I call them Missionaries.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 22/06/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai

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