Inverential Peace beloveds, I Am Ashtar Sheran, I greet you from my heart to your heart. Just as beloved Sanat Kumara and his Consort Lady Venus tell you, we are in a process of Alert throughout the Solar System. There are many Commands, many Commands are alert, because a new Coronal mass ejection is coming, that will produce a great impact.

A Great Coronal Mass Erection of the Sun, which will produce a huge impact on the entire system. We know and we are paying attention to All. You know, that you count on not only Ashtar Command and all its Ships, but all Intergalactic Command and all Commands, assisting this planet in this process.

Pretty intense times ahead. You have to have a lot of inner peace and stay very calm, because this great erection, will be for the brave, for those who still do not understand, those who do not understand what is happening in this system, on this planet, this flash will open your eyes and you will be able to see, you will be able understand that We are here your brothers, your Galactic Brothers in attendance, all the Commandos are there, and you will be able to see us. For we will be manifested in the heavens.

There will be very notorious demonstrations in the next few days. Because it’s a process where magnetism, where energy flows, many veils and many barriers will fall and you will be able to observe perhaps in broad daylight, the Command Ships that we assist them. And I was telling them that he is of the brave, because it takes strength and a lot of willpower to withstand this great burst of energy.

I always tell you, we assist them, we help them, barriers are placed to mitigate the impacts, but these conditions always exceed and exceed everything we could do. But on the other hand, it is necessary for all these people, all these beings, to begin their process of awakening. No more time to sleep. It is time to wake up, wash my face and look at the horizon.

These are critical and difficult times. Also for Mother Earth who receives the outbursts of all these energies and all of us in general we are there paying attention to all the processes on the planet. Volcanoes, tectonic faults, everything. We’ve got it all covered and we’re all in it.

On the ground there is a Big Team installed there from the different Commands. Apart from the Interrestrial Cities that are there also attentive to any need that arises for the planet.

Well my beloveds, all attentive, much strength, much tranquility and all connected to your Magnificent and Almighty Presence of God in your Hearts. These are difficult times, but of great retirement for this humanity.

We’ll see all the darkness left of the planet come out, we’ll see them flee like rats when a ship sinks. That’s how they’ll come out, this energy will make them run away unafraid. Beloved ones, I say goodbye.

I am Ashtar Sheran, Inverential Peace.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 05/06/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar

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