Greetings beloved Emanuel and Pastor, I Am Sanat Kumara. On this day I wanted to give you some pretty important information for the planet. You know, I have always loved and always will love this great planet. I am accompanied by My Consort Lady Venus and here we are all always keeping an eye on the development of the ascension process that is taking place in this system and especially on this planet.

A Large Solar Flash is in the process of developing from the center of the Sun. It will surpass all the previous ones, in magnitude and strength. It will be a Flash to retrain, to rethink our lives, the lives of all the inhabitants of the planet.

It’s a Flash, which will remove all directed thought structures from control centers. It’s a powerful flash that will destroy structures, schemes that have both damaged and harmed this beloved planet.

There’s nothing to fear, just letting you all know to stay tuned, because the consequences on a physical, mental and emotional level are going to be quite shocking. This will be the most powerful flash that planet earth could live in these times.

We from Venus observe everything, because also all this energy influences the planets of the solar system. All here of course, we have overcome many of these situations. The planet Venus is in an advanced energetic and vibrational degree than planet earth. But we are always impacted and influenced by all this energy to the whole planet Venus. Remember the whole system is in the process of ascending.

There will suddenly be many communication situations. Many traditional systems will begin to crumble, to fall.

This flash will open the eyes and minds of many people who are still in the immense sleep. That despite all the previous demonstrations, they are still there asleep. Now comes the time for all without exception, all the children of light who are here, to begin their process.

All Commands are ready. There’s a contingent lined up. Everything, everything is calculated and everything is orchestrated from the Higher Spheres of light and love system. The Solar Consciousness, the Solar Brothers are prepared too and all the Guardians of the planet, all, all are paying attention. All Assistant Commandos, set and ready.

This was the message my beloveds. I am Sanat Kumara with all my love wishing to see this planet at the dawn of Universal Citizenship, of this Star System of this Universe.

Saying goodbye with love, bless you All.

We are Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 05/06/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar

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