This reality, the whole cosmos is made up of universes and each universe has its own Creator. For our Universe, for Nebadon’s Universe, he is Creator. But right now it’s like a Grand Administrator, the positions are rotating, not all the time they’re the same.

Once Father Adonai Nebadon fulfills the project earth, and takes the process of ascension, that this humanity ascends from this density of matter with its own genes, with its own DNA, Father receives it as a graduation, is its ascension and passes to Create another Universe.

Then they give him other responsibilities. There are so many gods, also called Being ONE, as there are Universes. The universe is expanding, every time there is expansion, there is also contraction throughout the Universe and in all Universes. That’s why human beings always cling to one god.

The One, who is the One God, is Supreme Father Mother who was where the Creation of All Universes emerged. It is the Only Source of expansion. But all universes have their rules, their rules, their realities and each particular administrator, has a determined plan for each universe and that is approved by the Supreme Absolute, the Single Principle that gives approval. Because he is the great brain of all the Universes.

You have no idea or imagine the great entanglement that is universally in all Universes and throughout the Cosmos. Every Universe has its reality as I told you and within every universe, every system, every galaxy. Each galaxy, for example, yours, of its solar system each has its laws, has its number of rules and has its reality.

Imagine it all, only in the Nebadon Universe that I rule, there are thousands of galaxies and each system is a reality. But they are all connected to the Nebadon Nebadonia mind, to that Galactic mind, that Universal mind of this universe. Then in a time, when all this humanity rises, this was my Great Project as I told you. My Big Rise Project. Humanity does not understand, many have understood and internalized it.

All Commandos and all beings work, render service in accordance with the fulfillment of this plan for this particular system. Because it’s a great project of Father Mother Adonai and everyone works toward this great project.

It works something similar to the planet. A big project is going to be done and an organizational structure is named for this project, with its managers, directors, engineers, administrators, executors, operators, Everything. It just works in the universe.

That’s why I tell you children, you have to expand your consciousness, open yourself to this universal reality. The universe works by laws and the laws are unbreakable.

When they ask why Father and Mother allow for example so much poverty, that children suffer, go hungry, that innocents die. It’s not because Father Mother wants it, it’s because everything obeys universal laws. The law of cause and effect. Maybe he is living, for example, a karmic situation or is completing, or it was his life plan for something he had, that he needed to learn.

But many closed minded people think that God is unjust, that there is no justice. But justice works through Universal Laws. Every universe has its own laws and every system has its own laws. Everything works my beloved, as it is above so it is below.

Beloved I wanted to explain this to you, because we understand that many people are still attached to a certain god and we are more than a god, we are an intelligence that lives in all of you and it is not a reason for you to worship me.

Love should exist between everyone. Love each other, if all beings. Because that is the universal law that coheses all the other laws. But let it not be a cause for worship in temples, in churches, or for wars, or for quarrels and quarrels among brethren.

Many prophets have come to this planet. Many beings have come to bring you truths to bring you information from this side. Information and they have taken them as gods to worship, great pilgrimages, great sacrifices, as if God needed sacrifices.

Beloved, I say unto you. I am in the heart of each of All of this Universe and I move through all hearts in consciousness and in light. We are all connected we are all one network. As long as you make it consciously and feel that way.

Enough of so much deception of religions and systems for control, for domination, to keep them always oppressed from the bottom, trampled on and do not realize that you are part of the same essence.

They know it and take advantage of this whole situation of ignorance of many, to continue with their issue of control. It is time for everyone to open their consciences, expand and see the reality of this universe, where everything moves in frequency, in vibration, in rhythm. Everything obeys universal laws and those laws must be respected. As on the planet, all lawbreakers are subject to divine justice.

Well my beloved, this was the message. I Am Father Mother Adonai aka Nebadon Nebadonia to this Universe of love and light. I bless you all my children. And thanks to Emanuel and Pastora for giving me the opportunity to bring this message to the children of this Universe

Thank you, blessings to All.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 13/06/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar


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