From the moment the planet acquires a fairly high vibration, it is time for the Solar Disks to be activated. Schumann frequency works as an accelerator to activate those Disks. Talampaya, Sipenbó, because America, America and very special South America, has the most number of Solar Disks and there, once all these Disks are activated and each time this energy that enters the planet becomes more intense, the same disks are automatically activated.

We already have the Talampaya and we have the Sipenbó Disco. And it begins as the whole Schumann frequency continues to rise, the planetary frequency continues to rise and solar emanations coming in. Solar Plasma helps and contributes to this whole Solar Disk Network to begin their Activation process and begin their Reunification.

Disks must be connected into one. Because it was originally a single Disco, however, they sequenced that Disc into several sections. But they must reunite again. For the new earth, the Discs will all be reunited.

It’s the beginning of the great integration, it’s the beginning already of the journey of no return of the ascension process.

Next to be activated will be Venezuela’s, Roraima’s, Urinam Solar Disk. Have them all present, connect with the energy of these Disks. Connecting will also help in the processes of Planetary Activation.

I say goodbye, I am Lady Nothing. And this was the information I brought to you this afternoon.

The 13 Solar Disks and their location.

1. Monte Shasta: Emanashi

2. Valle Siete Luminarias: Sipenbó

3. White City : Aromane

4. Guatavita: Xemancó

5. Roraima : The Urine

6. Cueva de los Tayos: Jasintah

7. Paititi: Get lost

8. Lake Titicaca: Demayon

9. Licancabur: Ramayah

10. Talampaya: Mitakunah

11. Snore Saw : Omsarah

12. Aurora: The Ulimen

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 12/06/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar


  1. azwinndininonge 13 Jun 2024 — 10:36 pm

    Uplifting information indeed.


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