MAHINDRA (Mother) ~ THE ADVOCATIONS OF MOTHER. “Mahindra is the Great Universal Mother, the Great Essence from which All Others Emanate”

Beloved children of my heart, tonight I want to give you a great message so that it can be passed on to everyone. And it is with respect to the Advocates of the Virgin Mary that they call, which are Fractals of the same Divine Mother. All these radiations form part of the same being, it is the same essence, it is the Same energy expressed in different forms.

It’s not that one is more miraculous as they say, they all have the same power and the same action. They represent difficult times of a people, of mankind to give a special message, more than anything, of prevention for mankind.

There have been so many deviations with respect to this, from the Advocacies, but it is the same Divine Mother radiating her energy in different forms, in different presentations. Each country generally has a Lawyer to which it is given the most credit.

For example, in Venezuela they have Sra de Coromoto, the Divine Shepherd, in Argentina, the Mother of Lujan, in Portugal the Mother of Fatima, in Mexico the Mother Guadalupe, the Virgin Guadalupe they call. But all, all are the same essence.

Mary the Mother of the Master, is also a radiation of the same energy of the Divine Mother. There are others who have not presented themselves as Mothers, like the Virgin are also emanations of the Divine Mother. Lady Nada for example, is an emanation of the Divine Mother and so other Masters are direct emanations and have the same power, have the same authority, because they are the Same Mother.

I tell you this my beloved, because maybe they say, I believe more in this Virgin or that Virgin, but they do not understand yet, that it is the same, because we are all one, it is the same essence.

Mahindra is the Great Universal Mother, the Great Essence from which All Others Emanate.

Mary essence, who in the times of Yeshua took that name, is also the essence of Mahindra. Mahindra is also the Universal Mother, the Divine Mother and from there come various interpretations, of its emanations.

I am Mahindra and I say this to you to understand this, to understand everyone and to wake up from all those distorted teachings, that have been given to you about the Universal Mother and the Advocacies.

When you honor and love an Advocate, you are loving all, you are honoring Divine Mother, Mahindra, because they all come, from the same essence.

I bid farewell with the great love of my heart for all. I am in the heart of everyone and everyone.

I Am Mahindra, I Am Mahindri, I Am MahIndra The Universal Mother.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 25/06/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar

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