“The Attributes That Must Prevail”

Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, I’m Sananda, I greet you from my heart to your heart. Tonight, I want to give a message to all the children of light. I want to tell you about the very important attributes that must prevail in the children of light.

Unconditional Love and Unconditional Forgiveness. Mother has already told them about empathy. I want to talk to you tonight about Forgiveness and Unconditional Love.

We tend to love those who love us, who look at us well, or who like us well. Love, when we give love has to be without conditions, to give or expect to receive anything in return, that we give it from the heart when it is love.

When you love, everyone expects to be loved back and most of the time it’s not. But love must prevail in all children, whether they return that love or not.

Because everything we do must be to please Father and Mother, to generate that wave of light when we love unconditionally. When we love the one who is harsh with us, or we love the one Who gives us love, the one who is attentive or kind, kind to us. We should love everyone.

When we love someone, it’s like a bucket of light fell on that person, his heart opens, maybe he reacts and feels that great love that you give him, or you give him. Love, unconditional love and forgiveness, forgive.

Also forgive without conditions. I forgive you Yes I forgive you But. Forgiveness means cleaning that from our minds, our hearts and always be willing once and a thousand times, to forgive those who offend us, those who mistreat us, those who slander us, those who hurt us, those who say nasty things to us, things that hurt us.

That must be the unconditional forgiveness. Erasing, cleaning all those grievances and opening ourselves to unconditional love. Because unconditional forgiveness and unconditional forgiveness go hand in hand.

My beloved, open your hearts to unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness. No matter what people did to you, Forgive them. I always told them, up to seventy times seven, that worn exponentially is an infinite number.

Without unconditional love and without unconditional forgiveness, they cannot be in other higher realities. Because he deserves to get rid of all those memories, those grievances, and only extend and give that love that is in our heart, in our being.

Well my Beloveds, this was the message. I want them to be clear, to live in unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness.

Love and bless you.

I am Sananda.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 27/06/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar

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