Greetings Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, Inverential Peace. There is a worldwide upheaval. The chips are starting to fall, the heavy chips of the dark and hostile governments that maintained extreme control over their people. Such is the case with the president of Iran and the whole entourage.

We don’t advocate that victory, but if it was handled at the Command level. Managed scenes for this guy. The dark ones themselves, have been responsible for this situation out of hunger for power.

This people are tired, tired and want freedom. They will not enter the game again, those dark ones who claimed to wield power.

Yes there was influence from the White Hats, but, it was not direct action from them on Iran. Yes, because the Alliance for Land Liberation enters into negotiations, so that at once, pull out these hostile chips, the more hostile, the blacker than you thought.

Iran begins a new period in its history. Already the same land is tired and fed up of so much control and so much evil towards the people. And we go for others.

This is the beginning because the Divine Government will begin and take full form through hostile new chips of the plan.

Let’s go for others. Let’s go for the North Korea one and others. We’ve already told you. And we’re going for North America too.

Well loved and actually, the Command Ships are deployed across the entire length and breadth of the Earth’s surface.

Don’t be fooled that they are meteors, they have no other explanation. Every time the frequency is becoming higher and the Ships are becoming more visible, giving manifestations that, we are really here, we have always been and will be accompanying this humanity at this moment.

I tell you, this is another Victoria of light. Another Victory for the Liberation of this Planet.

Another victory for the Earth Alliance of Love and Light and we are in permanent action always. For we will not rest until we free this land from all the oppressors, from all those oppressors from all those demons, who have held this humanity captive.

I take off, I am Ashtar Sheran, Inverential Peace.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServiUM

ERKS – 20/05/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar


  1. Brenda Coppola 23 May 2024 — 10:26 pm

    Thank you for your love and protection. Every night over the last 3 yrs, I see the ships at night and I wave to them. Over the last 2 weeks, not one has been visible over my house. I just figured that we are at a critical time and are needed elsewhere or they do not want to expose their ship. I will be patient until I can wave to them again and really look forward to meeting our brothers and sisters of the universe. I have been so excited at this prospect since I first found out about you. Of course, I don’t share that with many people who are not awake. They already think that I am crazy because I tell the truth.


    1. garzafirearms 9 Jun 2024 — 10:06 pm

      please do not worry about what others think!!


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