Healing Sessions: Emanuel & Pastora Messages ~ May 2024


This service is for those who desire to be healed, free from all evils that drag, that ails them, Healing with Mahindra the Mother, the Archangel Raphael, the Guides, and the team of Heavenly Healers assisting Mother. This service is performed on our Double Quantum, in the Quantum Healing Chambers of the Emerald Ship, Main Ship of the Holy Emerald Command.

To all beings who wish to participate in these Miraculous Healings, who sincerely desire to be healed, should send an email with all your information; date of birth, full name and country of residence to:


Remember that, this is holistic healing, complete in all your bodies, physical, inter-dimensional, and includes also, the ancestral family tree, cleansing, healing and correction of DNA by the intervention of the weapons that the dark forces used in the pandemic.

This service is performed by Conscious Loving Collaboration. It is a service performed under the Universal Law of Give and Receive. And all the resources collected, are used for the most formal construction of the Miraculous Source of Liquid Light, as is the wish of Mahindra Mother.

Please do not send mail or request, those who doubt, who are not willing to fulfill the requested, or ask nonsense things, which has nothing to do with our service.

We recommend to all the non-intake of meat food, of all kinds of food from animal slaughter. No meat or its derivatives, hams, starves, fungi, fish, junk food, and all kinds of food that damages the body. Cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and all kinds of harmful substances.

This healing service is performed in the Spanish language through a live meditation by zoom, next Saturday May 4 Argentine time. If you do not master Spanish, and if you decide to participate in the healing meditation, your Higher Being will ensure that you receive the healing you desire and need, because desire and the Power of intention act.

Please send your complete details only those open hearted beings, who really wish to heal themselves fulfilling the requirement of Conscious Loving Collaboration. Upon receiving your request, we’ll let you get to the answer, the way they can do the Collaboration.

Deadline for submitting applications is Friday May 3, 24 hours before the scheduled time for recovery. Therefore, we recommend that you decide in time, to avoid last-minute fatigue, as it always happens, because it is important to respect the times.

Send an email to:


Infinite Gratitude,

Emanuel and Pastora.

Check your Time…

15 P.M. Argentina and Brazil.

14 H. Chile

12 P.M. Mexico

2 p.m. United States of America

14 H. Venezuela.

13 P.M. Colombia and Peru.

20 H. Paris, Madrid, Roma

7 p.m. London , Lisbon

9 p.m. Greece.

22 H. Istanbul Turkey.

Check your time.



Emanuel and Pastora – ServiUM

ERKS – 29/04/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai


Greetings beloved Emanuel and Pastora, from my heart I send you a big hug. I wanted to share with you about the healing tomorrow Saturday May 4. As we’ve been speaking, this month is going to be pretty intense and very important healings.

We have already started working on all participants from today. Not only Beloved Archangel Michael, who has sent his Blue Lightning Angels, to clean, harmonize and protect participants. We have also been bringing them to the Ship to make some adjustments for tomorrow’s healing.

It’s like it’s a pre Healing. Tomorrow it will be done with all the strength and with all the great power of those Emerald Ship Quantum Healing Chambers.

Due to energy reasons it has started driving from today. They have already received a first review, at the level of the Emerald Ship and all their bodies have been cleaned of psychotronic energies, of all low-frequency energies.

Every day we make innovations, so that healing is done in a more effective and efficient way, to all participants.

I say to all those who signed up, to come tomorrow with full confidence and with all internal readiness. With all Faith as the Archangeline Faith said. Come with all Faith, so that you may be healed and set free.

Every day you know the planetary situation is advancing. It’s advancing dizzily, and since January we’ve been giving this healing service and it’s been a great breakthrough we’ve had and will continue until it’s deem convenient my beloveds.

Because it has been very positive the advancement we have had in planetary frequency, planetary energy and the Crystal Network. Because every being that heals, the energy of the Network increases and the Network is strengthened, strengthened.

So I wanted them in tonight, comment on this little variant that we had, of going and going to work, both Miguel and the Santa Emerald Team doing a previous work of adjustments to the bodies. So that healing can be done more swiftly, faster in beings.

Beloved, I am already here in this place where you are building and you have placed all the symbols. This small, but big, we shall call it, as you call it, the House of Fountain, of Mother Mahindra. Told y’all I’m already here settled into this new home. Already got my power installed here all over the Temple. But I’m telling you I’m already here. Construction moves forward and forward, but I’m already here.

Good my beloveds. We keep in touch. We will contact you tomorrow for any further information.

I am Mahindra, I am Mahindra , I am Mahindra the Mother.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServiUM

ERKS – 03/05/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai


Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, beloved children of my heart, I am Mahindra the Mother, bless you, as always, I am here among you. Like I told you last night, everything is ready. As I told them, they were all brought to the Emerald Ship, the alignment of their respective bodies was done.

Already the Archangel Michael worked in his energy field, in all his energy to clean them, free them from all those dense energies, witchcraft, psychotronic energies, all that rubbish that many carried.

And I want to explain why we had to do this. Because the vast majority that enters this healing group are very dense. Many needed a major preliminary job. Not all, but yes many. So we chose to bring them in.

Each camera is already assigned to the participants, and each camera is ready to receive them. Each guide has been assigned, already the guide initially worked on their bodies aligning them to power this afternoon in meditation, complete integral to make this healing more effective, as I have mentioned, given the density of many participants.

Many not even, are on the path of light. They are drawn to the path of healing, because they are suffering some calamities in their physical bodies, and most of all, they are drawn to. But this for us is a positive thing. Because we cleanse them, we activate their energy, on their internal level as it should be.

The vast majority of these beings, are light, but they are very dense still. So my darlings, this is a great job. For reference from a friend, or a family member who told them about these healings and they arrive. They arrive with the faith of healing in their physical body more than anything else, with the pains, discomfort, discomfort, from the overwhelming situations they may be living in their holistic health.

I feel like it’s something beneficial, for that great being to start shedding all that negativity. Apart from they’re going to heal, they’re gonna cleanse themselves, they’re about to shine up who they really are. Those beings of light that are internally.

It is like a glass of a window of your house, for example, that is completely darkened, that is very dirty and you cannot see out, even sunlight can not penetrate, because it is very dark, very, very, dirty and the owner came and looked for someone who I’ll clean off that glass. That glass will now begin to stare at the sunlight, to look out with greater clarity.

That’s the similarity we make to all these beings who are burdened and opaque by the life situations in their bodies.

This will be a very special healing my beloveds. And we will keep working and so beings of this kind will keep coming. And you’re all welcome. Because Mother doesn’t distinguish anyone. The Mother receives everyone in her broad and loving heart.

In this healing of the day today in the Emerald Ship, we will be accompanied as always by the beloved Archangel Rafael, the beloved Sananda and Lady Nada, will also come the Grand Master Antuak with Lady Portia, the beloved Mother Kwan Yin, the beloved Archangel Zadquiel and Amethyst. Team Violet will be in full swing. The Blue Team has already done their job and an Angel has been assigned to each of them, who will also accompany them in their healing.

We will also be accompanied by the nothing Goddess Palas Atenea and the beloved Master Hilarion, the beloved Master Canahoto, will also be, the beloved Genetists of Syria, the beloved Olivia and Kadmon, working on the DNA of all these beings. We will also be joined by Father Mother Adonai, Father Mother Absolute Supreme. All the Guides of the Santa Emerald Command will be assisting us as usual, and we thank you all.

And to you Emanuel and Pastora who always accompany us, we also thank you for your great presence.

All set and ready my dears, for the big session this afternoon. All are welcome, all are in the heart of the Mother, of the Hierarchy of light and love of this planet and of Father Mother Adonai.

I say goodbye, I am Mahindra, I am Mahindra, I am Mahindhra Mother.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServiUM

ERKS – 03/05/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai.

WORDS OF MAHINDRA (Mother) to the participants of the 17th Emerald Ship Healing Session.

Beloved children of my heart, I am Mahindra the Mother. I’m so happy to see the state their bodies are in now. This healing has been a great blessing to all my children.

Intensely worked on each of their bodies and their DNA. It was a great healing and also in that area that you guys especially needed, in healing that organ, that system that was malfunctioning for you, or those diseases.

Sons I appreciate Mahindra called to come for healing. It is very important for the hierarchy of light, that all the children of Father Mother Adonai, be healed, delivered from all those burdens, which this afternoon have been released.

They are born again, they have risen again. They are all systems in a state of renewal and will continue to work in that state for weeks. Also helped by the energy now entering the planet. Energies of the portals, energies of other stellar systems of love and light that assist us, by the sun of our system.

It was a great occasion for all my children. Feel blessed and be a blessing for all this healing you have received.

Thank you for trusting Mother and my heart is always open to receive you.

I bless you all.

I am Mahindra, I am Mahindra I am Mahindra.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServiUM

ERKS – 04/05/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai.

MAHINDRA (Mother) – 17th Emerald Quantum Healing Session Report.

Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, beloved children of my heart. I want to give you the report of this wonderful healing that was given today. As I mentioned before, there were many people attracted to their physical pains more than anything, their diseases in the physical body. People with high energy density.

A great job was done like I told you. Since last night he is working on his energy cleansing, we will call him so you can understand it, in a presanation. They were cleansed in their bodies all misfit, disharmonized.

During the healing at the Emerald Ship today, great Miracles were given my beloved. Apart from doing the great cleansing of their past lives, cleanse them of all those ancient memories of other lives, of other incarnations, cleanse all that negative ancestral inheritance, cleanse them from all the karma that come bringing life after life, incarnation after incarnation, cleanse and heal their physical bodies and regenerate them.

His emotional body so viciously battered and mental body so vilibly influenced and programmed by dark forces. They also cleaned their DNA intervened as we knew from the aforementioned vac- ones to which many were forced to apply, either out of ignorance, out of knowledge or out of fear applied it, but it was a big trap to intervene their DNA and change their original Christian sequence.

And we have our beloved Geneticists of Sirius, Olivia and Kadmon. They managed to recover their interfered DNA.

My dears, it was not a little thing that was worked on everyone in general this day. Apart from the big requests they made. Those particular requests that everyone took and delivered to the guide worked on them all.

There was a person with a pretty severe heart disease, he was adjusted and healed. His physical heart had an operation on his valves and his obstructed coronary arteries were made and part of his heart died from a heart attack. He was regenerated, his entire cardiovascular system was recovered.

It was one of the Great Miracles that happened this afternoon on this day.

A lady with a lot of wear on her knees, almost unused to walk, her bones already scrubbing, cracked, without the disc, without the shock system. He got all his knee systems restored, his knee system restored, his disks, his entire knee system restored. His muscular system also atrophy.

A person with diabetes, who was also cured, his pancreas recovered. One person, a gentleman with hearing problems, progressive loss of hearing. She also received the Miracle of Healing There was a person with bursitis, she was also cured.

Gastritis with that problem many, with that very deteriorated digestive system. Beloved, I take advantage, because the digestive system is very susceptible to the emotional part, also to the malnutrition that many carry. The carbonated drinks, coffee, tea… that many drink and drink, impacts their gastritis. Oily foods, highly spicy foods.

I tell you my beloved, because all your stomach walls were recovered, all your stomach was healed, but you must take care of it with good nutrition avoiding excesses in all that I have mentioned to you, in foods and non-food.

Taking care of emotions, stress, fears, anguish, anxiety, all of that affect your digestive system, stomach intestines.

There was also one person who had a cure for some hemorrhoids that were quite advanced. Also a lady with varicose veins, prominent in her legs. Various internal and external varies were also healed.

Urinary system – kidney stone There were three people who had their kidneys cleaned, their kidneys suffered a lot, also a product of inadequate nutrition that many carry. Lack of natural water that cleanses and regenerates all that.

A bladder with severe urinary incontinence problems was also healed. Male and female reproductive organs were greatly healed. Many virus situations in those systems, herpes, human papilloma virus, they were healed too.

Beloved, at the brain level, several brain regenerations have been done. People with diseases like Alzheimer’s, with Alzheimer’s principles have been cured. Many arteries regenerated at the vascular brain level with certain difficulties in their arteries, fragility at the brain level.

All brain coordinations were regenerated, they were regenerating. Mental coordination and psychic coordination and all brain coordinations, for that brain to function properly.

The brains of the vast majority of beings are changing structures and functioning. In this session, the entire brain energy and the entire brain were acted thoroughly in reconstructing these brains.

Beloved, there was a person with severe laryngal and pulmonary conditions with chronic bronchitis, they were also healed.

Beloved, all these healings have been made because, your internal being so required internally, they requested it and also during the diagnosis on the camera, several anomalies were detected and corrected. Sometimes if knowing it and without the participants be diagnosed with such diseases, as they call it.

Beloved, and with this I conclude this afternoon’s healing report. It was something great, each day, each session becomes more challenging, more abundant.

Aside from all these healings on the physical level, Master Lady Nada activated Prosperity Codes in all participants. All round prosperity, prosperity consciousness Also the Beloved Goddess Palas Athena activated the Truth in All so that the Truth always be your living, your feeling.

Well my beloved, with this I conclude the report of this 17th healing session.

I thank all the beings who joined us in the healing this afternoon. To all the Hosts thank you greatly.

All my love to all participants, who so faithfully came and were present. By healing you heal thousands. The planetary frequency is rising, which has reached quite high values, because many, many thousands are healing.

Bless you all and carry on. Come to the Mother, come to be healed. Next Saturday the 11th we will be there healing and Sunday the 12th we will begin another group of Christ Activations for those who feel ready to activate their Christ being.

I bless you all my children, in my love and in my light, in my heart. I leave you my great love.

I am Mahindra, I am Mahindra , I am Mahindra Mother.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServiUM

ERKS – 04/05/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai.

MAHINDRA (Mother) – Final Round of Session 3 Crystal Activation.

Greetings loved ones from my heart. Everything is set for the final round of the 3rd activation session this Sunday. All cameras are ready. As usual, he’s assigned the same camera they’ve been working on since the first session began.

The guide is ready, tonight, everyone will be taken to the Ship to touch up their bodies, in the healing chambers. Also the Archangel Michael will do a touch-up in their energetic field, cleaning any pollution they have had since the last session.

The faithful angel to accompany you, tomorrow will be performing with the participants. Everything is coming together, everything is already starting for this third session which is the most powerful and the strongest.

For tomorrow, we will be with our great guests as usual. Hosts, apart from My Beloved Rafael and the entire Santa Emerald team will be accompanying us Mother Shakti, Mother Sekmet, Queen An Ra and Anubis, Mother Kwan Yin, Beloved Sananda and Beloved Lady Nada.

Also will be Beloved Father Sathya Sai Baba, Father Mother Adonai and Father Absolute Supreme Father..

It will also be Activated and from now on the Holy Grail is Activated in the Temple of Hunab Kú, headquarters of Pastora and Emanuel our beloved children. There the energy of the Grail is activated to its maximum power.

From the Intraterrestrial City of ERKS, the large Crystal Blue Sapphire Diamond Light is activated and from the Great Temple of Illumination from Lake Titicaca, all the Temple Jerarchs will connect with this session.

The beloved Archangel Haniel and Jofiel and Constanza will be in the Ship and the Jerarchs of the Temple from there will connect. Meru Gods, Beloved Siddhartha Gautama Buddha and the entire temple hierarchy connected.

My loved ones, this session will be full of energy also taking advantage of the great energy that enters the planet where there are great, great energetic inputs. From the Galactic Center and from the open portals. Harnessing all that light energy, all the high end Codes, from our Sun and the Galactic Sun and Agartha Sun also activates.

We are all connected to the immense energy of Mother Gaia for this activation session, third session for Sunday, May 5, in this Mother’s Month, as we celebrate on the planet.

Mahindra will be at her greatest breadth and at her greatest love giving her best for all her children.

Saying my goodbyes now.

Emanuel and Pastor, continue in their duties, in their mission. I greatly appreciate all this great effort, this great dedication that you give your all for everything, both for these healing sessions, activation, and for the works of the Liquid Light Source of Mahindra Mother, here at the Hunab Kú Temple.

Bless you all and see you tomorrow for the last session of the third session of Christ activation.

I am Mahindra, I am Mahindra , I am Mahindra Mother.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServiUM

ERKS – 04/05/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai.


Beloved children of my heart, how happy I am with this activation that we have done in the afternoon today. It has been quite successful in all beings, in all participants of this Christic activation. The Christian Being has been activated.

My beloved, it will be Christ being that manifests himself through that avatar from now on. From the infinite light of his heart, that Christian being will be the one who walks, the one who guides his steps, the one who leads his life.

Now the work begins my beloved. It’s not all over my beloved. Remember that you are in the world of forms and we must not give a chance to that personality, to that ego that wants to take back that space, the one that has taken his Christian being.

You have to always enlighten that personality, that ego from the Christian being. Control our emotions, control our thoughts, control our life.

It’s a new life we begin. He has risen my beloved. They have resurrected the new being in that avatar in their physical body.

Walk in the light, live in the light, think in the light. Think like Father Mother would do, think like a being of light would do right now.

My loved ones, I bless you, I congratulate you for that disposition you had to activate, to activate your inner being. Now be that Being in action, that light manifests for all. May everyone see the light in you, in your walk, in your actions, in your works, in your thoughts, in your words.

My children, go in peace, I am always there to help, we give all our love. There we are a thought away when they need me. When they need assistance, there is Mahindra and all beings we have assisted them, there we all are.

Don’t hesitate to contact us my beloved. I bless them. Go in peace.

I am Mahindra, I am Mahindra , I am Mahindra the Mother.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServiUM

ERKS – 05/05/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai.

MAHINDRA (Mother) – Final Report of the Third Group of Crystallization.

Beloved sons Emanuel and Pastor, beloved sons. Here I give you the report of the third Activation group that culminated today. It was really an excellent job. A great job was done on all and everyone responded. All were activated in their Christic being. His Christian being integrates with that avatar. Now they only have to continue on the path of light, continue in their mission as beings of light, but in the service they are supposed to perform.

Look within, into that being that you are now, with an amplified and expanded consciousness. Activated all your faculties, activated all your DNA, activated all your internal circuits so that that avatar connects to your Cristian being. Look there, always connect, meditate, always walk in the light, always radiate the light. Let your words, thoughts, your feelings be of light, according to the light.

Now we are going to start a new group beloved Emanuel and Pastora. For next Sunday we start the 4th group. In this opportunity let’s make a variant.

We have noticed, that in the second session they are already activated. Then we will do the first two meditations of the first two Sundays, only in the holographic chamber of the Ank and omitted in the first two, the ship in the carousel camera and the third meditation of the third Sunday, we will do it only in the carousels camera, that’s going be the variant. We already noticed in these three sessions we’ve had, which are usually activated.

Always meet the requirements my beloved. I know at that point Emanuel is very strict with all participants. They must be beings who come to work within you, they come in the path of light. They come connecting, meditating, they come connecting in their avatar, in their body. They have already stopped using animal derivatives. Drugs, alcohol, tobacco, cigarettes. Beings that have truly given their hearts to the light. And it is pertinent that everyone keeps working.

Everyone who has participated in the Emerald Ship healings, has the opportunity to be activated, as long as they comply with the requests I make to them. Because it’s much easier and it’s an activation requirement, the requirements I’m telling you, these requirements to be able to make the connection.

You can’t connect in a dense body, with animal energy. A body intoxicated by drugs, by alcohol, you can’t my beloved. Because the body is heavy, the energy is dense.

So those who want to opt in, go to work, go clean the avatar, the physical body, cleaning itself. It is important and I remind you also, that you must have participated in the healings in the Emerald Ship with Mahindra Mother through Emanuel and Pastora. Because there we have made and left activated circuits to make the connection of the Christian being.

Sure, when the body of which you are going to heal is very dense it needs to start its internal work, but there is the information to then be activated. Work on healing first, healing, healing, and then go into activation.

Well, my children, we continue as I told you last night, with the healings and that the participants open their hearts. From a kind, giving heart, energy flows most intensely.

And remember that these healings are done by Loving Collaboration, for the Project I have requested Emanuel and Pastora there in the Temple, to obtain the necessary economic resources, to undertake that Project.

It’s not because healing is expensive or expensive. Because they are priceless, it is immeasurable what you should give back for this healing that is done to you. It wouldn’t be enough for all the gold in the world to repay all this healing that is given to them, that they receive.

Healing is free for everyone, it’s only a Collaboration, a contribution, to help these two missionaries, that’s why I call them Missionaries.

Emanuel and Pastora my beloved children of my heart. That’s why healing I repeat, priceless. Not all the gold in this physical world could pay for the healing you receive on the Emerald Ship during meditations.

Beloved children, open your hearts. Come heal, open your heart and give the contribution, so that the work is accomplished and the work is finished as it should be.

I say goodbye, go in peace everyone, in the light and we continue to connect next Saturday and Sunday, for the healing meditation and the 4th activation group with Emanuel and Pastor always and with all the children of Father Mother, there in your heart.

I am Mahindra, I am Mahindra , I am Mahindra Mother.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServiUM

ERKS – 05/05/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai.


This service is for those who desire to be healed, free from all evils that drag, that ails them, Healing with Mahindra the Mother, the Archangel Raphael, the Guides, and the team of Heavenly Healers assisting Mother. This service is performed on our Double Quantum, in the Quantum Healing Chambers of the Emerald Ship, Main Ship of the Holy Emerald Command.

To all beings who wish to participate in these Miraculous Healings, who sincerely desire to be healed, should send an email with all your information; date of birth, full name and country of residence to:


Remember that, this is holistic healing, complete in all your bodies, physical, inter-dimensional, and includes also, the ancestral family tree, cleansing, healing and correction of DNA by the intervention of the weapons that the dark forces used in the pandemic.

This service is performed by Conscious Loving Collaboration. It is a service performed under the Universal Law of Give and Receive. And all the resources collected, are used for the most formal construction of the Miraculous Source of Liquid Light, as is the wish of Mahindra Mother.

Please do not send mail or request, those who doubt, who are not willing to fulfill the requested, or ask nonsense things, which has nothing to do with our service.

To all we recommend the non-intake of meat food, of all kinds of food from animal slaughter or their derivatives, hams, famine, funnel cakes, fish, junk food, and all kinds of food that damages the organism. Cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and all kinds of harmful substances.

This healing service is performed in the Spanish language through a live meditation by zoom, next Saturday May 11 at 15:00 Argentine time. If you do not master Spanish, and decide to participate in healing meditation, your Higher Being will ensure that you receive the healing you desire and need, because desire and the Power of intention act.

Please send your complete details only those open hearted beings, who really wish to heal themselves fulfilling the requirement of Conscious Loving Collaboration. Upon receiving your request, we’ll let you get to the answer, the way they can do the Collaboration.

Deadline for submitting applications is Friday May 10, 24 hours before the scheduled time for recovery.. Therefore, we recommend that you decide in time, to avoid last-minute fatigue, as it always happens, because it is important to respect the times.

Send an email to:


Infinite Gratitude,

Emanuel and Pastora.

Check your Time…

15 P.M. Argentina and Brazil.

14 H. Chile

12 P.M. Mexico

2 p.m. United States of America

14 H. Venezuela.

13 P.M. Colombia and Peru.

20 H. Paris, Madrid, Roma

7 p.m. London , Lisbon

9 p.m. Greece.

22 H. Istanbul Turkey.

Check your time.



Emanuel and Pastora – ServiUM

ERKS – 05/05/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai


With Mahindra (Mother), Father Mother Adonai and Heavenly Hierarchy in Divine assistance.

Sunday, May 12th at 3pm. from Argentina.

Only for those who received Healing with Mahindra (Mother), on the Emerald Ship of the Holy Emerald Command. Given that we have had cases of beings who have claimed to participate without having been healed in the Emerald Ship as Mother recommends, we are obliged to demand proof of having participated in the healings.

This new activation round will be held at the Emerald Ship for three consecutive Sundays. All aspirants are requested to link their social media pages, Facebook etc.. We Repeat The Link Not A Photo. The link to the pages, and checking that you participated in the healing. These are a required requirement to qualify to participate.

Only light beings who have been healed and prepared, who work and who serve light, would opt for this activation, the highest initiation, a mortal being can desire.

The same is an initiation that requires, that each aspirant, no longer feed his body with inappropriate foods. No meat of any kind or its derivatives, fish, fungus, ham, yams, greasy foods, junk food. Drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, all kinds of poisons and garbage, most of which ingest and contaminate their bodies making them inoperable containers to contain light, so that Christ, the Divine being that each one is, dwells in it.

This will be a small group, it will be a group that Our Higher Being will point to us and choose those who will participate.

Because most say they ready without being.

For those who are not prepared we recommend you, to prepare with humility, to assume with dignity, great light you will receive, so that in responsibility, we can all make correct use of it.

We’ve encountered cases of beings participating and consuming alcohol, drugs, marijuana, rumba and disco, finally.

To all heart aspirants we request you…

first take some time and feel if really, really, and in Truth, are prepared, if in doubt, then take the 3 Sundays to prepare, and for the next one, so that in the call to the 5th activation already prepared, sign up, write down with confidence. But do not pretend to do it unprepared, because it would be dishonest to participate.

It is also important to remind those who have already participated, not to do it again, not seek to participate again. Because doing so, I would lose all the work, everything that was done before, everything would be erased and it would remain the same as before it had participated the first time.

Thank you to all who truly prepare, to those who are ready to receive and to take on this divine gift, because you prepare to take it responsibly.

We all love and bless you in love and light that everything is.

Activation aspirants please send email with all requested, the link of your social media pages, facebook etc. Not the photo, link, date of birth, full name and place of residence and we repeat, a proof that guarantees us your participation in healing with us and Mother Mahindra in the Emerald Ship.

Important: only those who send the request correctly will be considered and taken into account, mails that do not comply will be deleted.

Email application to:


Infinite Gratitude, Emanuel and Pastora

Check your Time…

15 P.M. Argentina and Brazil.

14 H. Chile

12 P.M. Mexico

2 p.m. United States of America

14 H. Venezuela.

13 P.M. Colombia and Peru.

20 H. Paris, Madrid, Roma

7 p.m. London , Lisbon

9 p.m. Greece.

22 H. Istanbul Turkey.

Check your time.



Emanuel and Pastora – ServiUM

ERKS – 06/05/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai


I’m So Happy For All Yesterday’s Crystal Activations.

Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, I am Archangel Haniel, the Archangel of the Golden Ray of Wisdom. I wanted to deliver a short message and it was to tell you, that I was so pleased in the activations of the day yesterday, with the Mother, with Mahindra in the Emerald Ship through the meditations that you Emanuel and Pastora, perform for the Activations of the Christian Being.

It was wonderful to see how the hearts of the beings there corresponded. As the hearts of those participants opened to wisdom, in search of that Cosmic wisdom, Universal wisdom.

They opened up greatly to receive that wonderful energy. Her Llama Trina, the Golden Flame, ascended greatly, activated all gifts of wisdom. All that energy of wisdom that beings of light, who activate their Christian being must possess, must have to manage the spiritual world.

From the innate wisdom of this being, the Christian being in their hearts, that great flame was activated with all the force, so that they flow and act from divine wisdom, that love and strength accompany them. May your virtues always be accompanied by wisdom.

From that wisdom of that great internal being that guides, that renews, that revitalizes, that all walk from divine wisdom, and leaving and departing from previous concepts and precepts, which were imposed to this control matrix, which were imposed during so much time.

From the divine wisdom anchored in your heart, in its great expansion it guides and leads you to the true path of light, the true path of love, the true way of enlightenment. To that Christian being who integrated that avatar, be the great wisdom and the great light for many, who need to hear the truth of the spiritual world, from the innate wisdom of this pure, noble heart, filled with much light and above all, much love.

I say goodbye, I’m Archangel Haniel and I’m happy for all the activations of yesterday.

I bless all participants, I bless their lives, their hearts and here is Haniel always ready to give them all the wisdom, they will always need on their way to light for coming home.

Saying goodbye with all the love. Daniel, Daniel, Daniel.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServiUM

ERKS – 06/05/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai


Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, I am Lady Nada, I greet you with all my love, from the depth of my being, from my heart, connecting to your heart.

With the information Galacom has given them, they are already aware of what we are experiencing at the moment.

I wanted to intervene, so you understand in regards to this energetic issue of the sun, I want to tell you, that the whole universe moves on the basis of energy. That this energy that will come in a way, that you could say, is a solar flash.

Because it’s a massive ejection, as they say, a great ejection of the great, as you do the classification, the scientists of the plane at the highest levels. This is a massive storm. A massive ejection.

I come to tell you and I want you to look at it from a positive perspective, in the appearance of this massive solar storm. Apart from the effects it will cause on a planetary terrestrial, atmospheric level, it will be a great activator. Let’s call it, a big broom, that will end up cleaning out all those records of those negative memories that humanity and beings of light have been bringing throughout their lives, of their incarnations.

It will greatly help in getting all the rot stored in their DNA. It will help cleanse, heal. Because we greatly need, all beings to be healed, to be liberated.

Keep in mind, all these bursts of energy coming from the sun will impact directly. It will impact in the coming days, in a very strong way.

Stay Focus, Keep Calm. There’s nothing to fear. The children of light will see this as a great incentive, as signs they expected. This solar flash, which is another solar flash, not the big one, but it is one of the big ones.

It’s very strong, because many ejections have joined together, joined together and form a big mass, to reach the planet very strongly. I know you may be feeling it already from this moment, that the first waves of energy are already coming.

They may already be feeling uncomfortable. Because the body is receiving it and using it. Keep calm by resting. Conserve energy for the processes you need in your bodies. Because it’s not only the physical, but also the emotional, the mental and the etheral.

Prepare yourselves, if possible enter into meditation, in prayer. Because these days that are coming, are days of much energy turbulence.

As I told you at the beginning, the whole universe is energy in different degrees of frequency and vibration. Energy that maybe many don’t see, but feel and feel it’s effects and consequences. By the way, I don’t want to go back to topics that Galacon mentioned to them.

But all of you be alert and calm, because there is assistance from the forces of light for everyone. We’re monitoring the earth’s axis. There are geomagnetic storms in places further south of the poles, farther away from the poles, where there were not before.

Beloved, this was the information. I love you bless you all children of Father Mother Adonai I say goodbye.

I Am Lady Nada in love and light to all.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServiUM

ERKS – 10/05/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai

MAHINDRA (Mother) – Words of Mother to all Healing Participants.

“Heal yourselves, come, come to Mahindra Mother, come to be healed.” Times are pressing, we have very little time left in this reality and it is necessary to free themselves

Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, I am Mahindra the Mother. Connect your heart in love and light. Here we are all ready, prepared for the healing day that will take place on this day. It’s all set, it’s all set. Each participant already has their own healing chamber assigned and their guide.

Already the Archangel Michael, has sent each one his Blue Lightning Angel, he has sent them to protect each participant, to cleanse them of all negative energy in their fields, in their aura, in their systems. Also helping to pull out those inner demons, those astral larvae and parasites, that many, long time, have clinging to them. Parasites of uncommon sizes, that even cover your entire body.

Everyone has been the subject of a great cleansing and have the full protection of Archangel Michael and the entire blue team, which will not allow any harm to any of their children who participate in these healing days with Mahindra Madre and with the entire Santa Emerald Team present.

They have also been subjected to a pre-healing, as I told them the previous time, we are taking them into the hours of sleep, to begin a pre-alignment of the bodies, a pre-healing. So that on this day when healing is given, may all be aligned and healing be more effective.

In this afternoon, on this day, we will be accompanied as always, my beloved Archangel Rafael, the beloved Maestro Canahoto, the Goddess Palas Atenea and the beloved Maestra Hilarión, the beloved Sananda and Lady Nada as always, on all days accompany us.

Also Beloved Mother Kwan Yin, Archangel Zadquiel and Beloved Amethyst, Father Mother Adonai and Father Mother Supreme. Archangel Michael has sent that Angel to accompany you through the whole process. Everything is prepared, all ready to receive them.

As you know today, there is strong, strong energy entering the planet. Powerful, very powerful coronal mass emanations are entering the planet. This will help in a great way for these chambers to work in a stronger, more effective way and so after healing, these energies continue to work and help all beings.

Because they are energies we are sending from the sun and all galactic portals, they are entering great power energies. This is also helping the planet heal, the children of Father Mother heal.

Beloved, every time the healings get more intense, stronger, because energy comes stronger every time and all these chambers work with all this Tachionic energy, Escalar and all this Cosmic energy and are activated with all those Stellar cosmic energies. So get ready today for a great day of healing in your entire body.

It’s necessary as I always tell you, heal yourselves, heal my children. Be healed, come, come to Mahindra Mother, come and be healed. Times press, we have very little time left in this reality and it is necessary that they free themselves, to get rid of all those memories and all those negative programming, that come bringing from that previous reality they were in.

Beloved children, I bless you all, we wait for you with open arms with all the love so that you all come to the Mother, to Mahindra and to the entire Santa Emerald team that is waiting for you to make this great healing. Blessings to All Love and Light Love Mahindra The Mother.

I am Mahindra, I am Mahindra , I am Mahindra Mother.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServiUM

ERKS – 11/05/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai

MAHINDRA (Mother) – Words of Mother to All Participants of the 18th Healing Session..

eloved children of my heart, how appropriate has this moment been, the one you have decided to come for your healing. I’m so happy to see them, how their energy has changed. They are not the same who came in, now they are like a sun, bright clean, healed.

Its frequency and its vital energy has increased to maximum values that their bodies support. It’s high time children to heal. We are in very difficult planetary times.

Now it is necessary, it is perentory, that all children come, heal and liberate, so that their bodies can integrate into their I Am. So that that that avatar that you are, integrate into your Divine Presence I Am, to that Christian being, that dwells in you.

the energy has been very good. It’s been a blessing afternoon to all. Everyone has been healed in all their bodies, in all their DNA, in all their energy.

Go quietly, go in the light of the Spirit, living a life of light, of love, assisting and helping the neighbor, the neighbor, living a life in love, of forgiveness.

They have received the greatest thing a being can receive, which is the healing of their bodies. Now go you, assist, help the one you can help with a clean, open heart, so that everyone may see the light, see the way and be healed too.

My sons, I bless you all, go calm, go in peace and Mahindra here is always a thought away.

Your names are here inscribed on the Ship, when you need any special request, call Mahindra and they will be brought in your sleep hours here to the Ship to restore that ailment or that imbalance.

My children, I bid farewell, go in peace, I am Mahindra, I am Mahindra, I am Mahindhra the Mother. Walk in light and love.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServiUM

ERKS – 11/05/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai


Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, beloved children of my heart, I am Mahindra the Mother. As always, I go to give you the report of the 18th healing session on the Emerald Ship, in the Holographic Healing Chambers of the Ship on such an energetically moved day.

This healing today was re-powered aided by all these energies entering the planet. Remember all these cameras work with all this energy and on this day when there was a lot of information down from the sun to the planet. Lots of energy coming out of the sun with codes for the planet. It has been a very productive day.

Today, the beloved Maestro Canahoto performed several interventions to the participants, in one they placed be in the heart that was very obstructed and calcified, performed an operation by the beloved Maestra Canahoto. A person with a valve at the brain level, the adjustments and adjustments were made to the level of his brain energy so that this valve is removed and the brain begins to function in a very appropriate way, normally, all the adjustments were made to him and his brain has been operated on and on a physical level, there will be a need when so needed, to remove the valve because it no longer provides any service. At the etherical level, that valve was replaced by its normal system.

A person, who had a perturberation in his feet, in his bun that bothered him a lot to walk and his big toe was very distorted. She had a surgery and she was healed. As usual, we act in digestive systems and on this day we had a colon extraction on a malignant tumor. It was extincted at the quantum level and when its double quantum integrates with its physical body it will be merminating, until it disappears.

There were several interventions at the level of gastritis as usual. Nervous systems very misaligned, brain energy swung in everyone. Brain hemispheres adjusted, calibrated. Bone marrow in all participants were restored. A participant’s bone density was very low and there was a need for regeneration work on a lady over seventy years old, with very low bone density. He was given a special activation and recovery to regain his bone density, to have strong bones.

There was someone with a very pronounced theme in the part of their larynx. The vocal chords were affected by tumors at the same level, they were also healed. A person with chronic sinusitis, had a major cleansing and healing and the misadjusted septum he had, adjusted. Aligned, septum fitted. A person with ear prosthetics has had his hearing system healed, so he can hear better without the need for prosthetics.

Arthritis, osteoarthritis, many were healed. Joints, a person with a splint, was healed. He had his ligaments adjusted, his tendons adjusted, the whole system of his right foot adjusted. Elderly Lady With Osteoarthritis On Her Knees, She Was Also Cured. There was a person with memory loss, temporary memory. His entire system has been regenerated and restored to his memory capacity.

Neck, cervical issues, wear and tear. There was a gentleman who had a major adjustment and regeneration at the level of the cervical disks, a topic that affected him in his work. A person with a dislocated shoulder, his entire joint and the entire system of his shoulder was adjusted.

Reproductive systems, there was a young girl of about 33 years old with infertility problems. Had her tubes adjusted and can now get pregnant. Had a great healing and adjustment on his entire reproductive system. A gentleman with erectile dysfunction, his entire system was healed.

Well my darlings, for the rest of everything. Every body’s systems were subjected to an evaluation, restructuring and healing. Many negative energies were in those systems hindering their perfect functioning. There was one person with a crazy theme. So suddenly I lost track, she’s healed.

Well my children, here I conclude with this report. I tell you, that all bodies were adjusted, the emotional, the mental, the physical and of course their etheral body. His DNA was completely cleansed of all negative energy stored from past lives.

Karma, Ancestral Negative Energy, Astrological Negative Energy of Planets in retrograde, were all cleansed of their DNA. They were also released and their DNA matched to their original Christian version, to all those who were subject to the va-cu-nas in the past pandemic.

This energy was strong, maybe the participants needed to go rest and they will need rest tomorrow too, they will need much rest. Drink plenty of natural water to continue illuminating all the energy that was stored there. Clearing everything through the lymphatic system.

All bodies, all were left with quite high frequency and vital energy, also quite high, with optimal values.

Archangel Michael and all his Angels did a great job of deworming last night, freeing them of all those astral parasites, all those larvae. Those parasites that bring in many cases, body-sized parasites of people installed for a long time, product of negative energies works on those people. Witchcraft works that call, also psychotronic energies, negative energies that are being implanted by many beings, from the dark forces control centers.

Everyone received a full and total energy cleanse. Their energy has been completely purified. And I thank the beloved Archangel Michael for all that work they did. Because a lot, a lot went into this deworming of the participants.

And I also thank all the Hosts. I thank the Beloved Sananda and Lady Nada, the Beloved Mother Kwan Yin and the Beloved Archangels Zadquiel and Amethyst, the Beloved Master Hilarion and the Beloved Palas Athena, the Beloved Genetists of Syria, the Beloved Olivia and Kadmon. Also to Father Mother Adonai and Absolute Supreme Father, to My Beloved Archangel Rafael and all the Guides who participated in this 18th healing session.

And we continue my beloved Emanuel and Pastora with these healing days. Times are pressing, the planetary situation as you know is quite tense. The energy came and won’t stop coming, but let’s see it on the positive side.

The incoming energy from the galactic sun that activates our sun and our sun activates the entire system and planet. Let’s see it from the point of view that, this energy will continue acting, healing reconfiguring all our energy so that our Christian being will be activated.

I tell you all beloved children a great job has been done to all of you but now you have to do an individual job, each one. Especially in the feeding.

These bodies have become pretty high frequency. If they continue to eat carnal derivatives or meat of any kind, dead energy, that lowers their density, lowers their vibration and places the dense, intoxicated bodies. All this we cleaned up is getting dirty again.

Keep a very healthy, very healthy diet. Get rid of all animal fats and all kinds of fats. Love yourselves my beloved, take care of your bodies, your vehicle, your avatar, that, with this avatar, will continue the process of ascension and Christification.

Drink plenty of water, take care of your emotional body. Guard your thoughts. Enough with the consumption of toxic substances like cigarettes, alcohol, drugs. Love yourself, love that body, love its avatar because with it you will continue your process of ascension those who have decided to continue in this process of evolutionary and ascension to the new realities that open up on the planet.

I thank Emanuel and Pastora, children of my heart for all this assistance they give me for the children of Father Mother Adonai to come. For them to come to the Emerald Vessel.

And all participants I say, here is Mahindra. When you require to come to the Ship, here your names are registered, connect to Mahindra and you will be assisted, in hours of sleep you will be taken to the Ship and assisted.

I bless you all, I open My Heart to you and send you my blessings.

I am Mahindra, I am Mahindra , I am Mahindra Mother.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServiUM

ERKS – 11/05/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai


With Mahindra (Mother), Father Mother Adonai the Heavenly Hierarchy in Divine assistance.

On Sunday, May 19th at 3pm. from Argentina.

Only for those who received Healing with Mahindra (Mother), on the Emerald Ship of the Holy Emerald Command. We will be very careful in view that, we have had cases of beings who have claimed to participate in the activation without having been previously healed in the Emerald Ship, as Mother recommends, and in such a situation, we are obliged to demand evidence of having participated in the healings.

This new activation round will be held at the Emerald Ship for three consecutive Sundays. All aspirants are requested to link their social media pages, Facebook etc.. We repeat, the link, Not a picture of the page. The link to your pages, and the confirmation that you have participated in the healing, are a required requirement, to opt to participate in the Activation.

Only light beings who have been healed and prepared, who work and who serve light, would opt for this activation, the highest initiation, a mortal being can desire.

To opt for Crystal Activation requires, that each aspirant, no longer feed their body with inappropriate foods. No meat of any kind or its derivatives, fish, fungus, ham, yams, greasy foods, junk food. Drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, all kinds of poisons and garbage, most of which ingest and contaminate their bodies making them inoperable containers to contain light, so that Christ, the Divine being that each one is, dwells in it.

This will be a group that Our Higher Being will point to us and choose those who will participate. We will be vigilant, because there are those who think they are prepared without being.

For those who feel that they are not prepared, we recommend them to prepare in simplicity, to assume humbly, the great light they will receive, so that, in responsibility, we can all make correct use of it.

We’ve encountered cases of beings participating and consuming alcohol, drugs, marijuana, rumba and disco, finally.

To all aspirants of hearts, we request you..

First take some time and feel if really, and in Truth, are prepared, if there is doubt, then take the 3 Sundays to prepare, and for the next one, so that in the call to the 5th activation, already prepared, sign up, write down with confidence. But do not pretend to do it unprepared, because it would be dishonest to participate.

It is also important to remind those who have already participated, not to do it again, not seek to participate again. Because doing so, I would lose all the work, everything that was done before, everything would be erased and it would remain the same as before it had participated the first time.

Thank you to all who truly prepare, to those who are ready to receive and to take on this divine gift, because you prepare to take it responsibly.

We all love and bless you in love and light that everything is.

To all who do not speak the Spanish language, the language of Activation and who wish to participate in the Christian Activation we recommend them, to sign up, to present the requirements and if they are called, in the meditations is menester to stay connected to your heart, with the intention and the deep desire for Activation, because you will be assisted and Activated just like other brethren.

Activation aspirants are requested to please send email with all the requested applications, the link of your social media pages, facebook etc. Not the photo, link, date of birth, full name and place of residence and proof to guarantee us your participation in healing with us and Mother Mahindra in the Emerald Ship.

Important: we thank you to send correctly everything requested, to avoid inconveniences and unnecessary waste of time

Send application to:


Infinite Gratitude, Emanuel and Pastora

Check your Time…

15 P.M. Argentina and Brazil.

14 H. Chile

12 P.M. Mexico

2 p.m. United States of America

14 H. Venezuela.

13 P.M. Colombia and Peru.

20 H. Paris, Madrid, Roma

7 p.m. London , Lisbon

9 p.m. Greece.

22 H. Istanbul Turkey.

Check your time.




Don’t miss this opportunity to cleanse yourself, to heal yourself, to get rid of all the evil that drag you, and that ails you. This Quantum Healing is performed by Mahindra the Mother, the Archangel Raphael, the Guides, and the team of Heavenly Healers that assist the Mother. This service is performed on our Double Quantum, in the Quantum Healing Chambers of the Emerald Ship, Main Ship of the Holy Emerald Command.

To all beings who wish to participate in this Miraculous Healing, who wish to change your life, you should send an email with all your information; date of birth, full name and country of residence to:


Remember that, this is holistic healing, complete in all your bodies, physical, inter-dimensional, and includes also, the ancestral family tree, cleansing, healing, and DNA alignment by the intervention of the weapons the dark forces used in the pandemic.

This service is performed by Conscious Loving Collaboration. It is a service performed under the Universal Law of Give and Receive. And all the resources collected, are used for the most formal construction of the Miraculous Source of Liquid Light, as is the wish of Mahindra Mother.

To all participants we recommend you, the not ingestion of carnal food, of all kinds of food from animal slaughter or their derivatives, hams, yams, fungus, fish, junk food, greasy food and all kinds of food that damages the organism. Cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and all kinds of harmful substances. They must ingest lots of water, sunbathe and make contact with nature.

This healing service is performed in the Spanish language through a live meditation by zoom, next Saturday May 18th at 15:00 Argentine time.

If you do not master our language and decide to participate in the healing, give yourself to your Superior Being, to the Mother and the Teachers with faith, that they will take care of you receiving the healing you desire and need, because the desire and the power of intention act. You must remain there always, connected to your heart throughout the healing service.

All interested parties must submit their complete information, remembering that they must meet the requirement of Conscious Loving Collaboration and upon receiving your request, we will make them arrive in the response, the way they can do the Collaboration. Remember to name us the country.

Deadline for submitting applications is Friday May 17, 24 hours before the scheduled time for recovery.. Therefore, we recommend that you decide early, to avoid last-minute fatigue, because it’s important to respect the times.

Send an email to:


Infinite Gratitude,

Emanuel and Pastora.

Check your Time…

15 P.M. Argentina and Brazil.

14 H. Chile

12 P.M. Mexico

2 p.m. United States of America

14 H. Venezuela.

13 P.M. Colombia and Peru.

20 H. Paris, Madrid, Roma

7 p.m. London , Lisbon

9 p.m. Greece.

22 H. Istanbul Turkey.

Check your time.




Dear Emanuel and Pastora, I am Mahindra the Mother, and I wanted to comment on a few things. Also as I pointed out to Pastora, the topic of the Source, just like that, the image that Emanuel showed you, so it will work. That’s a Holographic Healing Chamber that was built there. You see it as you see it in 3D Physics, but it’s really going to behave like a Holographic Healing Chamber with Source and expansion energy.

I was telling Pastora to make the inauguration on May 25, because it produces the great alignment of the earth with the central sun of Alción. An alignment that occurs every 20,000 years and now is the time to re-align with the great Galactic Central Sun.

All of this energy that is coming in, is coming directly from the Great Central Sun of the Galaxy, even when the alignment occurs on the 25th completely, is already being felt and everything is being lived off of that energy that comes from the Great central Sun of the Galaxy. impacts to our sun and solar system, it’s one we mentioned in other pipelines, it’s the system that’s yet to leave this dense reality, that’s left to rise.

We are doing everything in our power to liberate this planet, so that the process of ascension may take place more effectively, in a less traumatic way for all of humanity. This cosmic energy emanating from the central sun is charged with a lot of energy, with many codes to activate DNA.

In tomorrow’s Saturday healing, we will be working big with this great energy. And as I always tell you, the presence of our beloved hosts who always accompany us in the healings. The beloved Sananda and Lady Nada, the beloved Hilarion and Palas Atenea, also Canahoto, my beloved Rafael, the geneticists of Sirio, Olivia and Kadmon, the galactic family of you, Father Mother Adonai, Father Mother Supreme.

Tonight the Blue Team, will be working with all the attendants. He will be working hard to heal them, to free them from all negative energies. You are healed and delivered from all negative energies. Miguel has already cleaned them of all those negative energies. Everything, everything is working out.

Already all beings who will participate tomorrow, have been assigned the Angel or Archangel of the Blue Lightning that will assist them in that process of liberation from all low-frequency energies. It is menester that by tomorrow they are all clean, ready, liberated from all low-frequency energy in all their bodies, in all their system and will be placed an Angel of the Blue Lightning that will guard them from this moment until tomorrow, after even healing, all the day to assist them and help them always.

Now the Guides and the Holographic Camera for all participants is ready and assigned. To all I say, my beloved, go with all the confidence, with all the certainty and with all the love and with all the faith that you will be healed from whatever discomfort or discomfort you feel. Apart from all the other healings we do to their bodies, ancestral healings, from all their past lives, everything.

But go with faith and confidence, that what ails you, of that disease that has you imprisoned there, will be healed.

For next Saturday May 25 we will do the Meditation from the inaugurated Source and with the energy in full from the central Sun of Alción. A direct, complete energy, and we have connection here to the Temple directly. Here we are greatly connected to this Portal.

I know Pastora is a little restrained from her voice, she will be better, rest easy.

I say goodbye, we’ll be seeing each other tomorrow at the fixed hours, with much optimism, with much faith, with much love. They are in my heart always.

I am mahindra, I am Mahindra, I am mahindra mother.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServiUM

ERKS – 17/05/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai

WORDS OF MAHINDRA (Mother) to the 19th Healing Session Participants.

Beloved children of my heart as I always call them, because they are all my children, who came from the same direct Source of Father and Mother and our essence is there in their hearts willing.

I wanted to see them and have them around again and assist them as a Mother. Thank you for answering this healing call. What else does a Mother wish for a child, to see him healthy, healthy, revitalized and that’s what we’ve done today my children.

Deep healing has been done to him in all his bodies, in his DNA, in his memories, in his pasts, in all his previous lives, even, in his intervened DNA. We have been working hard and also taking advantage of this great flow of energy, that enters the planet, so that this healing may take place in you.

Go at ease my children, that everything has been according to it, everything has been done with all love and with all pulcrity that your healing required, all the healing of those things that would require in your physical body. Everything was finely studied each case and suited to the circumstances of each one.

Now I say to you, my beloved, take care, take care of this process that you have accomplished, which is not anything. Take care of your emotions, take care of your thoughts, your health, take care of and connect to your I Am. Connect to your inner being, that’s where all the answers are.

Connect with Mahindra whenever you need. Your names are registered here in the Ship, connect with the heart my children and there you will be attended to, and taken to the chambers of the Ship to be attended to in any request you need healing for yourself.

I bless you my beloved children and be blessed. Because what you have received today was a special gift for you, for all participants. Feel healed, clean and strengthened in all your bodies.

Take it easy, my blessed children.

I am Mahindra, I am Mahindra , I am Mahindra the Mother.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServiUM

ERKS – 18/05/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai


We Invite You All to the Inauguration of the Fountain in the Healing Meditation on Saturday the 25th.

Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, I am Mahindra the Mother, I greet you from my heart, I send you all my love and my gratitude for all this healing journey that we have made this afternoon. This 19th healing session was very successful in its execution. Great healings were done, great miracles were done in this session. For the rest, my beloveds, I tell you that it was a miraculous afternoon of many manifestations in all beings.

There Great Miracles were performed, cleansing them of all their past lives. From his energy, that dense energy that was accumulated in his DNA incarnation after incarnation. All that energy that is no longer useful at this time was healed and eliminated from all participants. That has been a great task, beloveds, because it is only through this dispensation that you have been able to erase all those old memories, from previous incarnations, cleansing your karmas of past lives that you have been carrying, dragging and the one they were able to generate in this life.

They also cleansed themselves of all those negative influences that they may have been bringing from incarnation after incarnation. His entire past has been cleansed of all those records that were there, the trapped emotions of other lives. All of that has been settled, cleaned, in such a way that there is no longer any record of those previous lives, of those negative memories that they had been carrying in their DNA. All of their bodies were also cleansed and adjusted. To the physical body, to the emotional body and the mental body.

In the physical body, the frequency of all his cells was raised and all negative emotions in his physical system were released. They regenerated, any negative energy that was there was compressed by raising the frequency. Raising the frequency compresses and destroys all negative energy, with the assistance of the energy of the chamber, the energy of the portals and the Host Guests.

Beloveds, it was a very intense day as the energies entering the planet are very intense and therefore, all the work done by the holographic quantum healing cameras works based on all that energy that is directly connected. It comes directly from the central Sun of the Pleiades, from the Galactic Center. We have had a great energy and based on that great energy, we have worked intensively in all the bodies, in the healing chambers. All those particular requests for healing were made.

Now I tell everybody, work on your emotional bodies, on your mental bodies. There are no more negative mental programmings. Do not continue to activate those negative programming of the old extinct matrix. Expand and open up to the new programming of the new network.

My beloveds, there is a person who was asking for healing in his eyes, in his sight, he was healed of some cataracts that he had in his eyes, he was healed. A person who was with deep pain in his neck as a result of the situation at the level of the vertebrae. He was released, a nerve that was decompensated in that vertebra of his neck, of the cervical vertebra, was decompressed.

There were also healings at the heart level. People with hypertension, poor circulation in their veins, were healed. His entire circulatory system has been regenerated. A person with a lot of kidney stones, with severe pain, has also had those stones pulverized. A person who had severe problems in his liver, at the level of cirrhosis, had his liver restructured. A person with diabetes at the level of his pancreas has had his pancreas restored.

Many breathing problems have been healed. Situations at the level of the lungs as a result of vices, those lungs and the entire respiratory system were also healed, cleansed, liberated, revitalized. The entire upper respiratory system was also healed. Sinusitis, cases of chronic sinusitis have been healed, depolarized all those bacteria that caused sinusitis in your sinuses, they have been healed, released.

A person with a situation in his right testicle. A cancerous tumor was healed. On a reproductive level, a woman with cancer in her womb, with many fibroids, was also healed. Lots of blood problems. The vast majority of people with very thick blood consume excess animal fats, such as butters, cheese and those derivatives. His entire blood system was also cleansed. Everyone’s nervous system has been regenerated at the brain level.

A person with quite strong situations with the beginnings of Alzheimer’s, but quite strong. On a psychic level there was a lot of lack of control at the level of the mental spheres of three people. Their mental spheres were very polluted and they were getting into panic attack issues. Psychic memory problems were all healed.

Sight, there is someone who asked with all the emphasis, asked to be released from a situation in his eyes, in his visual system, was also liberated and healed. A person with arthritis was also regenerated and healed.

Well, my beloveds, this is the report of what we found and many beings were healed. There was one person with alopecia and another with psoriasis. Well, my beloveds.

This is the healing report of this day. I tell you now as I always tell you. Everyone prepared, this was the first step. Its DNA was neat, shiny, and in its original Christic sequence, recovering its original sequence intervened by the va-cuns of the past pandemic. They’ve all been cleaned now, their DNA is very bright, they don’t have to worry.

Now the issue is that you continue to work internally on controlling your own emotions. Their emotional body is completely cleansed and their mental body is cleansed, but they have to work on and control their sick negative emotions. Control those negative feelings of your personality, of your ego, because this is your job, yours. But they have to control it and each one work on it, so that it doesn’t become recurring. And as you work on your emotions, you will be very protected against threats from negative forces that want to enter your energy field.

I say to you, beloved, control your diet, eat fresh food. Abandon all types of animal food of all kinds. Junk food, greasy food, and all kinds of dense energy that they can consume on the street, and at home.

Eat fruits, vegetables, vegetables. Their bodies have been designed for that kind of feeding, not for dense feedings. That’s why many bodies suffer from heartburn, because all these foods produce acidity in the body and an acidic body is conducive to disease.

Try to alkalize your body. You will be looking for information on alkaline diets, so that you can eat in a healthy, healthy way. And may your body remain in a state, as it is at the moment, alkaline.

I thank you all, take care of your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions, vibrate in love, in light, in peace, in tolerance, in acceptance. Be light. They have been healed and graciously we receive them and in graces we walk through this great dispensation of Father Mother Adonai who can do all things. To all this energy that assists and helps.

Now I say to you, my beloved. The work is up to you. Physically cleanse your bodies, your liver, your intestines, above all, the large intestine, the colon. Look for qualified information so that these cleanups can be done. The liver is fundamental, my beloveds.

There are situations on a physical level, which cannot be done at the level of the Ships or in the chambers. By the very density of the physical body, it is necessary for you to get rid of all those situations that damage your systems in the physical body. Quit smoking tobacco, because it doesn’t do your body any good, on the contrary, it damages your system, your neurons, your body.

Well, my beloveds. That is the report, I say to you and I thank all of you who assisted us this afternoon. To my Beloved Archangel Raphael, to my beloved Sananda and Lady Nada, to the beloved Goddess Pallas Athena and the beloved Master Hilarion, to the beloved Mother Kwan Yin and to the beloved Zadkiel and Amethyst.

To the beloved Sirian Geneticists Olivia and Kadmon, to Father Mother Adonai, to the Absolute Supreme Father, to Beloved Archangel Michael and to all the Blue Light Angels. And to you, Emanuel and Pastora, who with so much love carry out these days of healing despite all the circumstances you may be experiencing.

And we invite you all for next Saturday, for the inauguration of the Mother’s Liquid Light Source at the Hunab Ku Temple in the Erks Valleys. A fountain built with the loving contributions of all the participants of these healing sessions, who contributed in the little and in the much. This has also been achieved in part with the funds of Emanuel and Pastora themselves.

There is still a long way to go, and we understand that there is a lack of related works that were not finished due to lack of funds, but that little by little will be done with the assistance and collaboration of all those attending these healing days.

So we will be waiting for you next Saturday, May 25, when there will be a great conjunction of a great alignment of our planet, of our system, with the Central Sun of Alcyone, a situation that occurs every 20,000 years, with a great energy, a great flow. Then we will all be there and this Healing will be transmitted from the same Source.

I invite all of you, loved of my heart, all those who have participated and who with so much love gave the loving contribution to this Source, to accompany us. It will be a very special moment. We will do a healing meditation equally for everyone. Everyone is here, everyone is invited, those who want to come and heal can do so.

Well, my beloveds, I bid you farewell. I thank Emanuel and Pastora for all their love, their dedication, their commitment always and their great love for all the children of Father Mother Adonai.

I say goodbye, I am Mahindra, I am Mahindra, I am Mahindra Mother.

Emanuel y Pastora – ServiUM

ERKS – 18/05/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai


Beloved Children of my Heart, I am Mahindra the Mother, here I am with you assisting you as always. Regarding this afternoon’s Activation, everything is already prepared. All attendants, all Guides are selected for all participants and the camera of each one according to their required profile.

You know these cameras are programmed, because we pre-study the profile of each one. They are taken to the ship, scanned, verified and adjusted the strength and intensity of the activation circuits for each particular being. Because there are those who are very soon, more prepared for its activation and there are others, who require deeper, more intense work.

Everything is already prepared. Already the Grial there in the Hunab Kú temple, where they are, has been activated. ERKS Underground City’s Large Blue Sapphire Diamond Light Crystal has also been activated at maximum power. The Ships and Commands are on high alert. Everything is ready.

This is a Great Group, albeit small in number, but a group that had to start operating from the Christian Being.

As always we will be accompanied by Mother Sekmet, Mother Shakti, Beloved Sananda and Lady Nada, Beloved Queen An Rä and Anubis, Beloved Archangel Haniel, Jofiel and Constanza and the entire team of the temple of Enlightenment.

We will also be accompanied by the beloved Lord Shiva, Parvati and Ganesha and the beloved Genetists of Syria, Olivia and Kadmon, the beloved Father Mother Adonai, Father Mother Absolute Supreme and as always, My Beloved Rafael.

Also the Beloved Goddess Palas Athena and the Beloved Master Hilarion. Apart from activating the Christian Being, we will be working and activating its Prosperity Codes and in the Truth in their hearts, so that Truth may reign within each one, so that Wisdom and Enlightenment may flow in the Universal Truth of Father and Mother.

The table is set my beloved. We are all ready to receive you all.

I say goodbye thanking the beloved Archangel Miguel for all the assistance he has given to all the participants and the Team of Angels and Archangels that he has assigned to each one. Thank you beloved Miguel and thank you Emanuel and Pastora always ready there. And to all participants who have heard the call of their I Am, to come and activate with Mahindra the Mother.

I say goodbye in Absolute Love.

I Am Mahindra, I Am Mahindra , I Am Mahindra The Mother.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServiUM

ERKS – 19/05/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai


Beloved Children of My Heart, you have been subjected to a process, to activate and connect to your I Am that physical body to that avatar. It was a pretty intense process, a pretty successful process. We’ve seen it through the cameras monitors. The goal has been achieved in each and every one of you.

As I told you, each one comes with a certain preparation and each chamber is adjusting to the preparation it brings base, to continue its process. Because some have already gone through a process of preparation, while others, perhaps they haven’t.

Each case was treated individually and the results have been quite satisfactory.

We will continue for next week with the second session, which will be more intense in frequency, in energy, in vibration, so that they are activating all circuits and connecting your I Am to your avatar.

My boys we need them all active. The light needs from you. Relentless Warriors, Torches of Light for Humanity. The Light needs you active in its Mission. Each one counts in the process of ascension and we need them All, All.

Go forward beloved children, continue your process, always be connected to your I Am in meditation, in love, in light, and be that light that your I Am Is. Manifest that your I Am is.

Dear children, go in peace, go calm, I’m waiting for you next week.

I bless you All and thank you for taking this decision to come get activated. When you activate, thousands activate and we need you all.

Bless you beloved children.

I am Mahindra, I am Mahindra , I am Mahindra the Mother.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServiUM

ERKS – 19/05/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai


Mother’s Liquid Light Source Grand Opening, Saturday 25th at the 20th Healing Session.

Greetings Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, I am Mahindra the Mother. Here I stand with you Emanuel and Pastora. Well I wanted to say thank you for the whole activation process today. It was a very energetic process and the goals set were achieved.

All participants stayed at the level they intended to reach in this first activation. Already for the second and third they will be completely ready. But the goal was reached, the objective of this first activation.

As I told you initially, it was a small group, but it was a group with quite a lot of potential in furthering its mission and activating its Christian Being.

They know that in this universe, nothing is casual, everything is causal. They received the call of their I Am, who so desired to be able to integrate into that avatar, to continue the process of ascension in this current planetary moment.

No one has to worry because everything was just fine. Now, for next week we will continue with the second session of this 4th Activation.

On those activations it’s necessary that everyone who was there today continue the process. Remember that these Activations are done in three sessions for three consecutive Sundays.

Those who couldn’t attend for whatever reason, wait for the new group, so they can join again.

Current energies on the planet, are very intense, memories are being cleansed and renewing the bodies of all Christians, DNA as well.

I also wanted to comment on the healing of Saturday 25, the inauguration day of the fountain.

For all those who have participated in the healings and who have contributed, it is important that you do so for free. But if you want to collaborate, that’s fine, because even though this first phase is inaugurated, there are still additional works to be completed.

To all those who didn’t attend, it’s out of love collaboration. Because we have to continue with the second phase of the Liquid Light Source works. The first phase to be inaugurated on Saturday 25th is being completed. But there’s so much unfinished to do.

Everyone who has not participated in the healings, it is important that you open your hearts to contribute.. For an open heart to give is a open heart to receive, and everything that he has given will receive multiplied. A Heart that is closed to giving, is also closed to receiving and little will receive.

That’s all my beloved, take a rest.

I’m Mahindra, I’m the Mahindra, I am the Mother Mahindra

Emanuel and Pastora – ServiUM

ERKS – 19/05/2024

Ishtar Ashtar Adonai


Saturday May 25th at 15:00 Argentina time. In this Healing Session we will be inaugurating the Mother Mahindra Fountain at Hunab Ku Temple in the valleys of ERKS..

The 20th healing session will be done from the Source of Liquid Light work which was built by the guidance of Mahindra Mother with the Collaboration of all who generously contributed to participate and receive the healing they needed.

For all who have participated and who have generously contributed with as much or as little as according to their capabilities this participation for all of them is free and free, but if you feel in your heart the desire to collaborate with a contribution, it will be welcome. Because even though the first phase is finishing, there are several additional works to be done.

For all others who have never contributed, for those who are first time assisting these healings. For all of them, it is by Conscious Loving Collaboration according to the Universal law of give to receive. Much u give much u receive Be generous, open your hearts to receive the abundance of the universe and all that you in abundance desire to receive.

Send an email to:


Remember that, this is holistic healing, complete in all your bodies, physical, inter-dimensional, and includes also, the ancestral family tree, cleansing, healing, and DNA alignment by the intervention of the weapons the dark forces used in the pandemic.

We remind you, that this service for those who have never collaborated with any financial contribution, is for Conscious Loving Collaboration. For all who have participated and contributed, it is free and free, but if you wish to contribute to continue with the works to be concluded, if your heart so desires, any donation will be greatly received.

To all participants we recommend you, the not ingestion of carnal food, of all kinds of food from animal slaughter or their derivatives, hams, yams, fungus, fish, junk food, greasy food and all kinds of food that damages the organism. Cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and all kinds of harmful substances. They must ingest lots of water, sunbathe and make contact with nature.

This healing service is carried out in the Spanish language, through a live meditation by zoom, next Saturday May 25 at 15:00 Argentina time.

If you do not master our language and decide to participate in the healing, give yourself to your Superior Being, to the Mother and the Teachers with faith, that they will take care of you receiving the healing you desire and need, because the desire and the power of intention act. You must remain there always, connected to your heart throughout the healing service.

All interested parties should submit their complete details,date of birth,full name and place of residence to:


Deadline for submitting applications is Friday May 24th, 24 hours before the scheduled time for recovery.. Therefore, we recommend that you decide early, to avoid last-minute fatigue, because it’s important to respect the times.

Send an email to:


Infinite Gratitude,

Emanuel and Pastora.

Check your Time…

15 P.M. Argentina and Brazil.

14 H. Chile

12 P.M. Mexico

2 p.m. United States of America

14 H. Venezuela.

13 P.M. Colombia and Peru.

20 H. Paris, Madrid, Roma

7 p.m. London , Lisbon

9 p.m. Greece.

22 H. Istanbul Turkey.

Check your time.



5 thoughts on “Healing Sessions: Emanuel & Pastora Messages ~ May 2024

  1. garzafirearms 30 Apr 2024 — 4:58 am

    can healing request be made on behalf for those who cant as for themself due to mental disorder


    1. Dear Friend, I have sent a message for further clarification.
      In the interim, I recommend that you make contact with Emanuel and Pastora by sending an email to sanacionesmeralda@gmail.com.
      Their response will be in Spanish so you will most likely have to translate into English if your email does not have this feature.
      I will update you as well once I have received feedback.
      Love and Light you, Colleen S


    2. I have received the following response from Emanuel and Pastora:
      Dear sister, that’s the step that’s up to you:
      Address that being’s Higher Self and ask for permission for the greater good of their soul.
      And the higher self grants you permission, It’s a required protocol, in this world.
      Because in this case, that person’s soul is with you, it’s with you. And that being receives what it is entitled to receive.
      Blessings and may the Divine Mother guide your journey.


  2. leftbaloglou 2 May 2024 — 9:15 pm



    1. Dear E.Baloglou, I was also nervous about the healing session being in Spanish and received the following response from Emanuel and Pastora:
      “Greetings of love and light.
      Dear Colleen, see you on Saturday at healing.
      And remember, if you don’t understand our language, Spanish, it doesn’t matter.
      Connected to your heart in meditation, with your intention and desire in healing, give all your trust to Mother, to your higher self and trust that they will see to it that you receive the healing that your soul and body desire and need. And so it is.
      Infinite Gratitude and Blessings”

      I experienced an issue with PayPal last week so I requested an alternative method of payment which worked.

      All my love, Colleen S


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