Gnome Elemantals Are Assisting With The Ecosystem At Hunab Ku


Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, I am Robert from the elements of the Temple and the one who coordinates all the elements of the Hunab Kú Temple. Just stopped by to say hi I know they missed me.

All these days I have heard them, I hear them. I hear them, what they speak, what they say. Because you know that, we are dimensionally connected and this temple operates in multiple dimensions. And what you say I hear here.

I’m always around watching what they’re doing. They’re modifying the whole system, the whole patio area, the whole Mother’s Liquid Light Source area. Here we are in anticipation, seeing how it’s going to look to organize ourselves seeing how the new Temple scheme will look like in its physical form.

We’ve already done great work at the level of their entire internal ecosystem. You know that we work hard, the issue of the earth. It’s a soil very rich in nutrients, where you can plant any plant, any flower and with proper care, that flower will bloom. What goes around comes around and you witnessed. I know Emanuel was watching over all the plantations.

But that land there, we have worked it the elements of the Temple. From time ago, even before you came to the Temple we were working, giving vitality to this blessed land and full of vitality to sow, to bear fruit, flowers and whatever seed you plant there will be given.

We also have all other temple elements under control. There we have connection to all the systems that work cohesive and connected within the Temple.

Some day they’ll see me. Already Pastora saw me the day before and I want one day for both to see me. I’m so tiny I might walk past where y’all at and y’all won’t see me.

We have our inner world within this powerful earth as I told you. There we live and bless this Temple also which serves as a home, serves as a hostel.

And well, Emanuel must be happy, because the ants are no longer there. There are a few, but manageable Emanuel. Now all your Rose plantations will move on.

The whole temple will be in harmony. Use that land, use it for what they need. Because it is a blessed land and filled with many nutrients and life.

Well my beloveds, here we continue watching the works and getting comfortable in our environment.

Always as you know, all the modifications humans make, always affect natural ecosystems. But we understand that this is a great work they do for the Mother and we are rehabilitating ourselves too, to serve, all this energy of the Mother, of Mahindra.

Well i say my goodbyes. I’m Roberto and we say goodbye to all the elementary ones that here we are with you taking care of them and protecting them too.

We bless you, I am Robert.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServiUM

ERKS – 21/04/2024

Comandantes Ishtar y Ashtar

CS: Dear Friends, I am looking forward to receiving more and more messages from other Elementals!

Please remember that this message has been auto-translated from Spanish.

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