Saint Germain Drops Bombshell On Deepstate: Warring Countries Cannot Participate In Quantum Financial System (GESARA)!! Death Of The Deepstate Inevitable!!

Saint Germain: Prosperity Funds

 Question 1

Before ascension and before ET contact, about the provision of funds and basic income. I suppose when everybody has received a basic income, a lot of people will stop working and turn to pleasure and personal interests, maybe offering products they made themselves. Is there a plan to help humanity through this switch to self sustainment or is it totally up to us?

St Germain: That, in fact, is the point of the prosperity funds – that people switch to lives of more recreation and leisure. Why? Because firstly the old system needs to die and I say that because the old system was created to enslave you. It is a system of monetary slavery. Please understand this. Repeat it if you must. You are a monetary slave!

The point of the new system is to move people away from understanding their lives in terms of money: dollars, pounds, euros, pesos, whatever your particular currency is. This will require some imagination on your parts because you have been so indoctrinated into this system.

As for support, yes, there is support for you already and there will be more support forthcoming in the fifth dimension as extraterrestrials are permitted to land.

Right now there is a requirement that any country, which is another name for an economic region, may sign up to the ever-increasing BRICS system, the gold backed financial system which Russia and China are now spearheading (BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), the requirement for entry into this system is that the country must be peaceful. Obviously Russia is not peaceful at the moment but it is acting on behalf of the Light. Any action of war undertaken for prior reasons – in support of the DS by any country disallows their entry into the Quantum system, the gold backed currency system, the BRICS system – whichever name you like. The reason for this is because benevolent positive beings of Light will not land in a large scale fashion on a warring planet. The masses are being prepared for extraterrestrial contact again. And of course this points out the plan of the DS – to create war – with this war they know their nemesis will not land upon the planet.

There is a one thousand year plan in place to help humanity on earth. Be rest assured.

Saint Germain: Prosperity Funds

Well… this surely signals the death of the deepstate!



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