Fake Trump Or Real Trump??!! 10 Things “Truther” Donald Trump Will Never Talk About At His Rallies!!

Fake Trump Or Real Trump??!! 10 Things "Truther" Donald Trump Will Never Talk About At His Rallies!!

It's so hard to tell if we got fake Trump or real Trump at the Wisconsin rally April 2, 2024… is he reading from a telepropter at times, it sure looks like it… but here are 10 things that either one, Fake Trump or real Trump, will never talk about at his rallies.  

1. The silver crown he got from the rabbis for serving Israel. It is weird to think that someone who is "America First", would get a giant silver crown from Israel, for serving Israel's interests. 

2. Masonic connections? We just don't know if he's a mason, and has taken an oath to the brotherhood… but the odds of him NOT being a mason are rather high… so once again, "America First" or "my buddies first"?

3.  If he's 'Commander-in-Chief" of the military…. why did the military submit a class action lawsuit for getting jabbed?? Why was he promoting a deadly vaccine, that actually greatly maimed his own troops?

4.  Why doesn't he talk about what his buddy Bibi is doing in the middle east?  Cares about children but not Palestine children? 

5.  What dark forces did he get his money from?

6.  Why does he look eerily similar to General Patton?

7.  Why exactly did hie hump the wailing wall, but he's also king of the world?

8.  Why should we trust someone with such a gianormous ego?

"The current President has historically subscribed to the Cabal’s ego-based propaganda of materialism and power-dominance. He has been ego-centric and has shown little empathy or compassion until recently. His Presidency has opened his eyes to certain truths which have challenged him and transformed him to some level. He is awakening. He is deeply touched by the great suffering and injustice of abused children in particular. This has opened his heart and has enabled him to experience empathy and compassion. He has been moved to take action.

Understanding that he is at the beginning of his journey, it is important to remember that he is a work in progress. He is going to return to ego from time to time."


9. He never really talks about what Space Force are doing…. it's just more secrecy…. but somehow his secrecy is better than the cabal's secrecy? The grey hats secrecy is better than cabal's secrecy?


10.  He never talks about DIVINE WORLD GOVERNMENT… where human world leadership merges with galactic and spiritual leadership.  

Ya gotta ask yourself… why are the grey hats stalling for time, as the children die, as the jabbed die, as the lasers burn the forests and towns… as US is invaded…. and no where, will you ever see Donald J. Trump ever talk about the millions of spaceships surrounding our planet. Don't get me wrong, I love Donald Trump just as I love anybody, just like God loves everyone, no matter what they do. Why is it okay that 300 million americans never get any real answers, when it matters the most, while he and his friends get richer and richer?

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